Grant Agreement Documents (between Global Fund and Principal Recipient) Workshop for TB Experts Hosted by WHO Stop TB and the Global Fund December 2005
Current Overview of Financing Total of 371 grant agreements have been signed Including 47 agreements for phase 2 US$ 1.78 billion disbursed to date Round 5: One component has been signed Round 4: All components have been signed US$311 million disbursed. Round 3: All proposals have been signed US$320 million disbursed. Round 2: 19 phase 2 agreements have been signed US$589 million disbursed. Round 1: 28 phase 2 agreements have been signed US$560 million disbursed. PERF/051205/1
Overall Goal Serve as many of the intended individuals as possible in a technically sound, compassionate, and sustainable manner PERF/051205/1
Goal For Session Lifecycle of Grant Agreement Overview of Grant Agreement Documents (legally binding) Lessons Learned Q and A Small Group Session PERF/051205/1
Lifecycle of Program Individuals in country contemplate a program CCM meets and discusses with stakeholders Proposal for a program is prepared (in consultation with potential implementing partners) Proposal submitted If approved, Grant Agreement documents are negotiated Grant Agreement signed Implementation begins Phase Two review process – month eighteen PERF/051205/1
Legal Grant Agreement Grant Agreement is the legally binding document between the Principal Recipient of funds and the Global Fund Grant Agreement is based on the Board- approved Proposal but is a comparatively light document Composed of the following Face Sheet Standard Terms and Conditions Annex A Attachment One (includes summary budget) PERF/051205/1
Face Sheet PERF/051205/1
Face Sheet (page two) PERF/051205/1
Standard Terms and Conditions PERF/051205/1
Standard Terms and Conditions (last article) PERF/051205/1
Annex A PERF/051205/1
Annex A (page two) PERF/051205/1
Annex A (Conditions Precedent) PERF/051205/1
Annex A (page four) PERF/051205/1
Progress Update Report PERF/051205/1
Progress Update Report PERF/051205/1
Progress Update Report PERF/051205/1
Progress Update Report PERF/051205/1
Progress Update Report PERF/051205/1
Progress Update Report PERF/051205/1
Lessons Learned during Proposal Preparation Process Coordination between proposal preparation and potential implementing partners is critical Implementers need to do the hard work if proposal is approved and live with the details of the proposal If any technical issues are anticipated, they should be highlighted in Proposal and discussed with CCM Domestic political challenges need to be identified at the proposal preparation stage PERF/051205/1
Group Work (based on Grant Agreement documents) Review Grant Agreement and a recent Progress Update Report (based on the Attachment) Identify potential challenges during implementation Highlight points in lifecycle of program (from pre-proposal through Phase Two) when Technical Cooperation may be of value Articulate a strategy to offer Technical Cooperation services to PR (if applicable) PERF/051205/1