HST 112 Lecture 2 Enlightenment and Revolution Timeline 1686 Newton’s Principia Encyclopedie (28 volumes) 1776 Start of Amer. Rev Start of the Fr. Rev Napoleon in Egypt I.Napoleon in Egypt – II.The Enlightenment 1700s III.The French Revolution 1789 IV.Napoleon in Egypt
I. Napoleon in Egypt Timeline 1789 Start of the Fr. Rev Reign of Terror in France Directory runs France Napoleon in Egypt I.Napoleon in Egypt – Brief Bio. of Napoleon -- Why Egypt? -- Why Bring 1000 civilians with him?
Napoleon Bonaparte
II. The Enlightenment Timeline 1686 Newton’s Principia Encyclopedie (28 volumes) 1776 Start of Amer. Rev Start of the Fr. Rev Napoleon in Egypt A.A Cluster of Ideas in 18 th Century Europe -- Cosmopolitan (All over Europe) -- Rational (Theory of Knowledge) -- Just Government (Contract theory)
II. The Enlightenment cont’d Timeline 1686 Newton’s Principia Encyclopedie (28 volumes) 1776 Start of Amer. Rev Start of the Fr. Rev Napoleon in Egypt B. Three Basic Characteristics of Enlightenment 1. Reason is natural (but corrupted) 2. Nature is good not supernatural not unnatural
II. The Enlightenment cont’d Timeline 1686 Newton’s Principia Encyclopedie (28 volumes) 1776 Start of Amer. Rev Kant’s What is Enlightenment? 1789 Start of the Fr. Rev Napoleon in Egypt B. Three Basic Characteristics of Enlightenment 3. Belief in PROGRESS Progress has NOT always been self- evident
II. The Enlightenment cont’d Timeline 1686 Newton’s Principia Encyclopedie (28 volumes) 1759 Voltaire’s Candide 1789 Start of the Fr. Rev Napoleon in Egypt C. Not a Consistent Doctrine 1. Church survives 2. Historical Pessimism Exists (Voltaire) 3. How Much Reform and How Fast? From Enlightened Despotism to radical democracy
III. The French Revolution Timeline 1789 Start of the Fr. Rev Reduce Royal Power Republic, Regicide and Foreign War Terror Thermidorian Reaction, Directory Napoleon in Egypt A. Political Agenda for Our Times -- liberal and conservative politics -- nationalism -- code of laws -- scientific and technical organization of society and military -- exported to the world
III. The French Revolution Timeline 1789 Start of the Fr. Rev Reduce Royal Power Republic and Regicide and Foreign War Terror Thermidorian Reaction, Directory Napoleon in Egypt B.Why is it so important? A.Most powerful and populous state of Europe B.Social Revolution -- all Estates involved -- radical (sans-culottes) C. Set out to Change the World with its Armies and Ideas
IV. Napoleon in Egypt Timeline 1686 Newton’s Principia Encyclopedie (28 volumes) 1759 Voltaire’s Candide 1789 Start of the Fr. Rev Napoleon in Egypt Why did Napoleon go to Egypt? Why bring 151 scholars with him? What does this tell us about French (and Enlightened) attitudes towards other cultures? Examine images from the Description of Egypt. What do they suggest about what the French were doing?