Third Grade Riggs Elementary School Mrs. Bostaph Welcome to Curriculum Night July 18, 2013
Mrs. Bostaph
Curriculum English Language Arts Referred to as ELA Common Core Focus on: Reading Foundations Reading Literature Reading Informational Text Science and Social Studies books 80% informational vs. previous 20% Please refer to packet in curriculum folder as well as my website for more information as to what your child will be learning.
Curriculum Writing Cursive Handwriting Common core Focuses: Narrative Writing Informational Writing Opinion Writing- defending our answers and opinions with detail. Writing process and transitions will be consistently used in writing Spelling and Vocabulary Rebecca Sitton Spelling tests will be given every Friday (Closed passage format) Five core spelling words will be on homework cover sheet. Concepts will be reviewed and taught weekly. Thursday homework for review.
Curriculum Math Focus on problem-solving, reasoning about numbers, and modeling number sense and operations Fractions, ratios, and proportional reasoning to support algebra Develop an understanding of multiplication and division and strategies. Multiplication facts must be memorized. Develop an understanding of fractions Develop an understanding of the structure of rectangular arrays and of area Describe and analyze two and three-dimensional shapes
Curriculum Word problems, especially problems of the day, may seem very complicated and advanced. Students will need support thinking about these ideas before they begin to solve: –What they know about the problem –What they know about the answer –Whether this looks like a problem they have seen before Often times students will be encouraged to use sense-making strategies to solve mathematical problems. These strategies will support their growth. Teachers may delay showing students short cuts or standard algorithms. Please honor that delay, it is by design to develop a deep understanding of the concept.
Curriculum Science and Social Studies Arizona Standards integrated with Common Core (ELA) Much focus on Science (Harcourt) Rocks and Minerals, Scientific Method, Energy, Plants, and Ecosystems Much focus on Social Studies (Harcourt) Government, Geography, Culture, Economics, American and World History.
Curriculum Technology Computer Lab Gain knowledge about technology Develop technology skills Apply and interact with technology Student Work Stations in the Classroom Conduct Research Play Learning Games Word Processing Accelerated Reader Accelerated Math
Classroom Community TRIBES Cooperative learning: Attentive listening, mutual respect, and appreciations “Character Counts” Classroom Discipline –Six pillars of good character –Consequences Positive Reinforcement –Table Points and Classroom Rewards -Incentives, Awards, Praise Notes, “Caught in the Act” -Fun Friday Activities
Grades Check grades consistently- parent portal Mid-Quarter Progress Reports Quarterly Report Cards Letter Grades (M=A, B, or C) - Classroom Assignments - Tests/Quizzes - Formative and summative assessments - Classroom Participation - Projects
Homework Homework folder is taken home nightly and returned each morning. Teacher does check for completion and signatures on Thursday. Incomplete homework will be done during the day in lieu of recess. –Purpose is to reinforce skills being taught in the classroom Homework Expectation (Total of 30 minutes a night) Kid’s College Friday Folder comes home Friday with graded material. (Occasional notes in homework folder mid week) –Parent signature and returned on Monday morning. *** (2 signatures total each week)*** Important Things to Remember… -Provide an organized work space at home -Set up a consistent homework schedule
Volunteer Opportunities Classroom Volunteers ***Volunteer spot- located under my classroom calendars and schedules page on my website.*** Please fill out the volunteer form in your packet if you are interested and I will call on you as needed. Thanks for your support! Junior Achievement (completed first semester) Art Masterpiece (once a month)
Tax Credit Possible Third Grade Field Trips –Service Learning Project “Chores for Charity” –Kartchner Caverns -Child’s Play Theater -Tumbleweed Historic Museum -Snow Day We Need Your Help… In order to have these fun experiences, we are encouraging tax credit donations be made to Third Grade. We can’t do it without you! * BONUS!!!! Get all the money back at tax time!
Fundraisers Pancake breakfast –Friday, August 2nd Dinner Theater –Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears At the end of 1 st quarter
Thank You!!! Open Door Policy…be sure to keep in touch! Conferences are held in August and March is the best way to contact me Take advantage of our class website. There is a lot of important information on there. Thank you very much for taking the time to come tonight. I really look forward to working with you and your children this year!