Agenda Puzzle Peace United10/16/11 1.We are OFFICIAL!!!! 2.Board Members 3.By-Laws 4.Bank Account 5.PO Box 6.Fundraisers 7.Goals 8.Advertisment 9.Future meetings 10.New Business
Were OFFICIAL!!!!! Our official name is: Puzzle Peace United a nonprofit corporation of New Jersey Paperwork for 501(c)3 status in the works (we may need to pay a lawyer to fill it out). By-laws need to be completed and approved by IRS. Once paperwork is filed it will take 4-6 weeks to be approved by the IRS, then we will get official tax-exempt status.
Board Members Trustees –Jamie Culican, President –Jen Curran, Vice President –Lauren Dallago, Secretary Open Positions: –Treasurer –Fundraiser Coordinator –Advertising Coordinator –Communications Director
By-laws By-laws need to be created, at the next meeting these will be voted on! Come with ideas on: »Voting in future board members »Money allowances towards events »Public membership »Etc.
Bank Account An account will be created as soon as we have money to put in it! Account needs three representatives names All checks will require 2 signatures
PO Box A Vineland PO Box needs to be opened in organizations name »Someone with a Vineland drivers license must open it. Current address is: »45 Twin Oaks Dr., Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Spaghetti Dinner/Improve Golf outing-parent/child Carnival Crepe Maker Lunches Christmas Ornaments Holiday Craft Fair Breakfast w/Santa Fundraiser Ideas
Respite Night for Parents High School Scholarship Free Community Events for Children Parent Trainings Fundraiser Goals
Advertisement T-Shirts Quarterly Newsletters Website: Facebook Newspaper ads / Thanks you’s Flyers
Future Meetings Future meetings will be held at a members house, once a month. Board members and/or trustees may meet weekly to bi-monthly (places to be determined). Next meeting will be held on Saturday, November 5, 2011, Culican’s house. »Bring a dish, we will make it fun!
New Business Fundraiser updates?