My name is Cassie Stock and I would love to be the secretary of the school year.
Why me? I think you should choose me to be your secretary because I am a very organized person and also I have good penmanship. I will keep track of all the things we do. I am also a very fun person and so I will think of new ideas for our BSHS student council.
In the past! I was in student council my freshman year and I loved it. I was at all the float decorating days, I also helped out at dances to set those up. I am involved in many things such as; tennis, swim team, I am in friendship group with the special needs kids too. Like I said earlier I was a secretary my freshman year and I would be honored to do it again!
Helping! I think that this coming year, , that BSHS should have more fundraisers. We need more things updated. For example, some teachers still have chalkboards! I will always take new ideas and try to make them into reality. Also, I would love to try and stop all the bullying that goes around in our school and make it aware to everyone!
VOTE! Please vote for me, Cassie Stock, for your sophmore class secretary. I think I would be a great leader and be a great representative for BSHS! VOTE FOR ME, CASSIE STOCK!