Generic or Brand? Do people prefer Brand Soda to Generic Soda?
Problem Will people prefer Brand Soda or will they prefer Generic Soda. This will prove how some peoples taste buds are different from other peoples buds.
Hypothesis I believe people will prefer brand soda compared to generic because I believe that the brand soda has more additives therefore it has more flavor.
Material I will be using the following materials Citrus Drop Mountain Dew CupsTesters
Procedure I will first take students and let them drink the soda. Then they will tell me which they prefer. I will record the results in my Science Notebook.
Results BoysGirls CDCD CDMD CDMD CDMD CDMD CDCD CDMDBoysGirlsCodyAndi JordanJulia AndrewDestiny ColeSarah BrianRachel Caleb Mrs. Riffel HenryHaylie CD= Citrus Drop MD= Mnt. Dew
Conclusion All of the boys prefer the generic soda Citrus Drop than the brand soda Mountain Dew. On the other hand most of the girls prefer the brand soda Mountain Dew over Citrus Drop.
Conclusion (Cont.) In conclusion my hypothesis was incorrect because most of the men preferred the Citrus Drop than Mnt. Dew. In conclusion my hypothesis was incorrect because most of the men preferred the Citrus Drop than Mnt. Dew. But on the other hand most of the girls preferred the Mnt. Dew than Citrus Drop. But on the other hand most of the girls preferred the Mnt. Dew than Citrus Drop.
People Say Most of the boys said they liked the soda better because it had a better flavor and more carbonation. This test was ran without the testers knowing what soda was what.
Citations "Tastebuds." Thinkquest. Web. 15 Nov "Tastebuds." Online Encyclopedia. Web. 15 Nov "Tastebuds." Kids Health. Web. 15 Nov