NEWA – weather app’s for IPM NYS IPM Program’s Network for Environment & Weather Applications In collaboration with the Northeast Regional Climate Center and RainWise, Inc Web-based weather station data. Weather summaries & degree days. IPM forecast models and crop models. Links to National Weather Service products NOAA’s drought information NY NASS weather stats Data collected precipitation temperature leaf wetness relative humidity solar radiation wind speed wind direction.
New website Easier navigation Header menu and footer on all web pages Launched Nov 2009
RainWise weather stations Internet router device –real time data –sent directly to NRCC database –online dashboard Cornell ftp software upgrade –data QC –export feature
NEWA network expansion 6 in VT –UVM & VT TF Growers Assoc. >10 in MA –UMass Extension >4 in New England –Eco-orchard project 9 in Seneca County –Natural Resources Conservation Service
Data Gridded forecast data –being used in models Quality control –sister stations –auto-messages Fuzzy logic model –Leaf wetness estimation
Potato & tomato LB DSS Late blight decision support system –Interactive simulation built by Bill Fry We now link to the late blight simulation created by William Fry, the Late Blight Decision Support System (DSS)
Apple disease models Interactive, mini-expert systems with 5-day forecasts. Apple Scab –Ascospore maturity –Infection events –Events log Fire Blight –Infection risk (Cougar blight) –Strep spray & shoot blight utilities Sooty blotch/flyspeck –Infection risk
Apple insect models Interactive, mini-expert systems. Codling moth Oriental fruit moth Obliquebanded leafroller Plum curculio Spotted tentiform leafminer Apple maggot Apple models are being woven into a tree fruit IPM website with pesticide selection tool & guidelines.
Grape models Interactive, mini-expert systems with 5-day forecasts. Grape Berry Moth – launched 5/10 DMcast (downy mildew) – launched 4/10 Grape Diseases – revision in the works –Current page will become an Event Log –Powdery mildew primary infection –Phomopsis cane and leaf spot –Black rot
Crop production models Apple physiology –Apple evapotransporation (not yet live) –Apple carbohydrate model for thinning (not automated) Biggest single value and reason I invested in a weather station is the carbohydrate model produced by Dr. Terence Robinson for apple. Has a major impact on the total crop value. Best information of any kind anywhere in the world for apples!!!
Future NEWA projects Grants submitted. Vegetable model upgrades –PMEP & Cornell Guidelines –Vegetable IPM website Invasive monitoring alert system …that I know of!
Funding for NEWA projects New York State IPM Program Northeast Regional Climate Center Cornell Cooperative Extension RainWise, Inc. Pesticide Management Education Program New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets New York Farm Viability Institute Northeast SARE Northeastern IPM Center USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Northeast Center for Risk Management Education Natural Resources Conservation Service New York State Agricultural Experiment Station Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station