Life is not worth living When one does not resist the parasite, Never satisfied as it creeps about. We must and will win. 28 September 1944
Mein Kampf “The aim is not only freedom of the peoples oppressed by the Jew, but also the end of this parasite upon the nations. After the death of his victim, the vampire sooner or later dies”.
Mein Kampf “The cleanliness of the people, moral and otherwise, I must say is a point in itself. I often grew sick to my stomach from the smell of these caftan [long sleeved robe] wearers. In addition to their physical uncleanliness, you discovered the moral strains of this “chosen people”…Was there any form of filth or profligacy [excess], particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it? …If you cut even cautiously into such an abscess, you found [the Jew] like a maggot in a rotting body, often dazzled by the sudden light”.
Mein Kampf “With satanic joy in his face, the black haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundation of the people he has set out to control. It was and is the Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardisation”.
"A bomber aircraft on take-off carries 12 dozen bombs, each weighing 10 kilos. The aircraft takes off for Warsaw the international centre for Jewry. It bombs the town. On take-off with all bombs on board and a fuel tank containing 100 kilos of fuel, the aircraft weighed about 8 tons. When it returns from the crusade, there are still 230 kilos left. What is the weight of the aircraft when empty ?"
Graphic Analysis What do you see? What is the message? What techniques are used to communicate this message?
Graphic Analysis Graphics can include: Cartoons Posters Films Paintings Photographs Advertisements Illustrations in books