By Toluwaleke Ademuyiwa Supervisor : Prof. I.M. Venter Co-supervisor : Prof. A. Christoffels
Project review System testing User guide manual Demo Questions References
It is the application that will help data capturing of bio-specimen. This project is spearheaded by South Africa National Bioinformatics Institute(SANBI).
Scan and store barcode in file Add patient information Save patient information to file
Eclipse Juno Android Developer Tools(ADT). Java Development Kit(JDK).
Five (10) users participated in the testing Usability and functionality test was performed on the application Users agreed to participate and signed a consent form.
The testing was done with 10 users at different times because of limited number of mobile phone. I did oral explanations of the 4 steps to follow The time taken by each individual to perform the task ranges between 5 to 10 minutes. The general appearance and user friendliness was tested
The testing was done with 10 users at different times because of limited number of mobile phone I went through the procedure to follow by oral explanation It takes about 4 to 8 minutes to complete this tasks
It is intended to assist the user in giving a easy to follow step by step instructions on how to use the application.
[ 1] Abelson, H. Building Mobile Applications with Android Retrieved from [2] Nisarg Gandhewar, Rahila Sheikh, An Emerging Software Platform For Mobile Devices. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), 2010 [3]Valerie Stanton, Hatsey Frezghi, Todd Wilkinson, Nick monge Software Test Plan (2003)
Scan barcode and save. Add patient data Store data in the SD Card. Record information about the faulty tubes when done.