Cat 9 (mathematics) workshop 4 March
Important Dates Preliminary: 8 Apr il 2014, Tuesday Semi Finals: 10 Jul y 2014, Thursday Finals: 22 Aug ust 2014, Friday *Any changes in the schedule will be posted on the EMB
Before Prelims Discuss and confirm the research topic Have an end in mind and consider the possibilities of extensions to your project Allocate roles and responsibilities Plan your timeline Go through the rubrics Look for your teacher-mentor(s) before the term ends
What’s new in Cat 9… Brief summary of what has been done in the area of the project and the relationship of different works/articles with your own project
New to Cat 9? a Maths project is… NOT a compilation of cut and paste facts of certain Maths topics/concepts/ideas NOT a collection of Maths formulae/quizzes NOT a slide show about Mathematican(s) and his(their) achievements
New to Cat 9? A Maths project is… a research on a puzzle/model/game/concepts/real-life problems using various mathematical concepts (like algebra, number theory, probability, geometry, graph theory and etc) to explain the phenomenon or/and discover new and exciting principles or theorems.
Good versus Not-so-Good Maths Projects Not-so-Good (but can be improved and modified) Good The wonders of Fibonacci and Golden Ratio Explore the different ways of doing paper folding/Origami through the use of GEOMETRY and the possibilities of creating unique designs Find the mathematical principles behind Sudoku Cube Discover interesting mathematical properties of Sudoku Cube and apply DISCRETE Mathematics onto the cube and discover and add new dimensions to the existing mathematical knowledge Understand Napoleon's TheoremUse mathematical PROGRAMMING to find the best possible outcome to maximize traffic situations and minimize time lost
Checklist before you enter Prelims… (1)Finished your Proposal? (to be submitted to the judges on the judging day) (2) Prepared your PRESENTATION Materials? -Introduction & Objectives -A brief summary of what has been done in the area of the project and the relationship of different works/articles with your own project -Intended field of Mathematics -Intended approach/methodology -A realistic time frame (3) Looked at the rubrics? Have you seen your mentor regularly? Have you visited the website g/Cat-9
In Summary (for the Prelims…) Have you read similar works/research and distinguished your work with theirs Judges need to see some “potential” in your project
cat 9 coordinators Mr. Colin Toh Mr. Chen Zenghui
(Project) Sharing Conway’s Game of Life by Aloysius Wang The Confused Knight by Kuan Eu Jie
The end