Career Prospects from Whitehall Courses World of Work 3rd Level Opportunities
World of Work. It is essential that you get a full award and have passed all 8 modules. Communication skills are the most sought after by employers. Other soft skills employers look for in employees are: Positive Attitude Strong Work Ethic Problem Solving Skills
Soft Skills. Time Management Abilities Problem Solving Skills Acting as a Team Player Self Confidence Ability to accept and learn from criticism Flexibility/Adaptability Working well under pressure
Soft Skills Co-ordination Skills Organisational Skills Many of these Soft Skills can be acquired or improved on throughout your course and especially in the Work Experience and Communications Modules
3 rd Level Opportunities Look up the career guidance folder on the classwork network on college computers. Here you will find: links from your course to 3 rd level courses and any specific course/subject requirements. CAO Information Seminar dates/3 rd level college visits
3 rd Level Opportunities College Open Days 2012/13 How to make a Career Guidance appointment Career Guidance Hours Points for 3 rd level courses this year 3 rd level destination of last years students
3 rd Level Opportunities You must have been successful in Communications & Work Experience You must pass all 8 modules to be considered. Distinction = 50 Merit = 35 Pass = 20