Changing Landscape Findings and Questions
In some areas it is not clear who is strategically leading the planning of local learning and skills provision? Where HE providers are taking on the leadership role – there are perceived implications for WBL and third sector providers. Too HE/FE focused. There is a move to reduce the number of Prime Contractors and then for Prime Contractors to commission with smaller providers. Some of the larger FE Institutions are taking over smaller colleges, skills providers and charities. Newcastle? Colleges have to have a local, national and global agenda.
Often the third sector, as a provider of learning and skills, is not strategically at the table? Advice and Guidance for all potential learners lacks any coherence. There needs to be one source of information. Employers want bespoke, bite sized skills training and accreditation – not long educational qualifications. Employers want ‘soft skills’ and ‘work readiness’ skills. Employers want higher level future skills. The skills that local employers want do not match the skills of those who are looking for work. Local learners want to enter areas of employment that are not required locally.
The learning needs of the population is greater than the provision available – so there is work for everyone. Providers need to work in partnership to deliver what is needed. There is no need to compete. LA agenda and LEP agenda may be different. This may result in some tension. LEPs needs data – there is a data project being developed by SFA – Data Cubes! Everyone is focused on 16-23s as that is where funding is. Not enough thought being given to delivery models for those paying fees or taking loans.
Questions Who is leading on planning local learning and skills provision? What role do FE Colleges have in supporting other providers? What are the implications of HE leading on local planning? What are providers doing to prepare for offering the ‘tailored skills’ that employers require? Where will the accreditation of the small, bite sized training come from?
What business models are developing around offering level 3 and above after 2013? What business models are developing around ‘prime contractors’ and ‘sub contractors’? How will advice and guidance be coherently offered within an area? Is it partnership and collaboration or market based competition?