Polish DP „First Shift” – Status: May 2006 www.venet-eu.com Piotr Bastek, Piotr Suliga, 3rd TCA Meeting in Werl, Germany; May 2006 Project: First shift.


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Presentation transcript:

Polish DP „First Shift” – Status: May Piotr Bastek, Piotr Suliga, 3rd TCA Meeting in Werl, Germany; May 2006 Project: First shift Status: May 2006 Piotr Bastek, Piotr Suliga Chamber of Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises in Katowice, Poland 3rd TCA Meeting in Werl, Germany May 2006

Polish DP „First Shift” – Status: May Piotr Bastek, Piotr Suliga, 3rd TCA Meeting in Werl, Germany; May 2006 Agenda: 1.Main results: –Market research –Recruitment process –Theoretical training programme 2.Mutual influence of DP and TCA 3.Challenges 4.Next steps

Polish DP „First Shift” – Status: May Piotr Bastek, Piotr Suliga, 3rd TCA Meeting in Werl, Germany; May 2006 Main results: Market research 1.A part of the labour market research appointed to the entrepreneurs have been carried out by 34 pollsters; 2.As a result we got information on future trends in the employment in crafts’ professions. There is a need for workers in the following trades: Food trade, Building trade, Hairdressing trade and Automotive trade; 3.One of reasons of the lack of new places of employment is a difficulty of finding good workers due to their emigration to other EU countries; 4.There can be noticed growing difference between micro enterprises (below 10 employees) and small and medium enterprises in their market situation.

Polish DP „First Shift” – Status: May Piotr Bastek, Piotr Suliga, 3rd TCA Meeting in Werl, Germany; May 2006 Main results: Recruitment 1.There had been identified and then recruited a pilot group of 50 beneficiaries; 2.Huge interest in taking part in the project among potential beneficiaries.

Polish DP „First Shift” – Status: May Piotr Bastek, Piotr Suliga, 3rd TCA Meeting in Werl, Germany; May 2006 Main results: Theoretical training programme 1.There is already prepared a training cycle focused on a soft skills development – 5 groups of 10 beneficiaries: June 2006; 2.Each beneficiary is provided with a vocational guidance provided by the vocational advisors. Additionally everyone who needs a psychosocial support will have a possibility to talk to professional advisor (starting from October 2006).

Polish DP „First Shift” – Status: May Piotr Bastek, Piotr Suliga, 3rd TCA Meeting in Werl, Germany; May 2006 Mutual influence of DP and TCA: 1.All information concerning VENet model is regularly sent to our national partners; 2.Bigger influence will be noticed in the following stages of our project as it is still in his initial phase.

Polish DP „First Shift” – Status: May Piotr Bastek, Piotr Suliga, 3rd TCA Meeting in Werl, Germany; May 2006 Challenges: 1.Permanent changes of the budget; 2.Public Procurement regulations; 3.Supervising the beneficiaries; 4.Coordination of the cooperation between partners in our DP;

Polish DP „First Shift” – Status: May Piotr Bastek, Piotr Suliga, 3rd TCA Meeting in Werl, Germany; May 2006 Next steps: To finish the labour market research analysis and prepare proper reports: end of June 2006; To carry out soft skills training programme: June 2006; To carry out vocational training programme: beginning of July 2006; To organize a conference in order to promote next stages of the project: June 2006 / July 2006; To organize 4th TCA meeting in Katowice: October 2006.

Polish DP „First Shift” – Status: May Piotr Bastek, Piotr Suliga, 3rd TCA Meeting in Werl, Germany; May 2006 Any questions? Thank you for your attention!!!