Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Economics and Environmental Monitoring.


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Presentation transcript:

Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Economics and Environmental Monitoring Division Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector The Swiss Green Economy approach Frank Hayer Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Plenary Meeting FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE Brussels,

2 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Agenda The Swiss Green Economy Approach Revision of the Environmental Protection Act Measures within Consumption and Production

3 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN The Swiss Green Economy Approach A brief look back in time... Oct 2010 Federal Council (FC) gave the federal administration mandates for building a green economy in six areas of action Mar 2013 Reporting and action plan with 27 measures Feb 2013 FC gave the federal administration mandates for proposing the revision of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) = indirect counterproposal to the popular initiative for a Green Economy (long-term objective: ecological footprint of 1 earth in 2050) Jun 2013 FC submits legislative amendments of the EPA for consultation Sept 2013 End of the consultation

4 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Action plan and Initiative of Green Party Federal Council approved Action Plan for Green Economy on march Action plan is base for a change of the Environmental Law as a counterproposal to Initiative of Green Party in favour of Green Economy Implementation in 4 core areas: 1.Consumption and Production 2.Waste and raw materials 3.International engagement 4.Measurement and Information

5 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Objectives Consumption and Production Reduce environmental impacts throughout the lifecycle of products Increase the demand and supply of ecological products Stimulate environmentally conscious behaviour Revision of the Env. Protection Act

6 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Measures Consumption and production Negotiated agreements Environmental information of products Environmental information of the assortment / product groups Minimal environmental requirements for the admission of products Reducing food waste Effectiveness of sustainable product standards

7 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Measures Consumption and production 1.Voluntary approach comes first: Negotiated agreements Recommendations for product environmental information 2.Mandatory policy measures for: Environmental information of product groups/assortment Minimal requirements for admission of products => Only if voluntary approach isn‘t sufficiently effective!

8 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Negotiated Agreements with the Industry Focus: Products with considerable impacts on the environment Elements of the Agreement: Partners: Industry, Civil Society, Government Timely fixed and ambitious Goals to reduce impact of products on the environment Use of international established sustainable production Standards Reporting as a tool for Monitoring and competition

9 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Environmental Information of Products Information of environmental effects of products with significant impacts on the environment Recommendations for analysis and assessment are provided by the government Guidance for communication of the results Mandatory regulations only in accordance with international regulations (EU)

10 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Environmental Information of Products Recommendations for environmental information on products General principles: completeness (relevant environmental aspects, whole lifecycle), transparency, etc. LCA-methodology recommended for assessment of products, use of ecoinvent or equivalent database Communication of global impact and main impact categories, distinction between main and background information

11 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Environmental Information of Products Links with EU approach: Same goal: comprehensive and reliable information for consumers Same principles: transparency, reliability, comparability, etc. Similar methodological approaches: LCA-based and development of PCRs BUT still some differences in the methodology → Compatibility between approaches need to be improved → Participation to the testing phase of the EU

12 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Environmental Information of Products Planning: Public consultation on recommendations for environmental information on products (autumn 2013) Publication for voluntary use (early 2014) Participation in the EF pilot phase II accompanying measures Development of an impact assessment for biodiversity Development of test PCR

13 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Subject only to Product groups with significant environmental impacts Assessment with established product Standards Periodical Reporting (with broad applicated reporting standard e.g. Global Reporting Initiative, GRI) Environmental Information of Assortments

14 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Reduction of food waste Stakeholder dialogue: Better understanding of the problem and finding collective solutions. Research dialogue: A platform for the discussion of methodological issues and the identification of synergies and research priorities. Awareness-raising: Is one of the keys towards a minimization of food waste. Review of existing legal framework

15 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Effectiveness of sustainable product standards For established national and international Standards: Strenghtening Enhance use of standards Assessment of effectivity Conservation of Resources …among others

16 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Minimal requirements for the admission of products Only for products with significant environmental impacts Only if other instruments (e.g. negotiated agreements) aren‘t sufficiently effective In line with internationalen obligations © uto ag

17 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Outlook Change of Environmental Law (as counterproposal to initiative of the Green Party): intern consultation (administration) in Winter 2013 Decision of the Federal Council: Spring 2014 Debate in the parliament starting in 2014 Action plan: Comes into force if change of environmental law is rejected => less stringent →Work to enhance Green Economy goes on

18 FOOD SCP ROUND TABLE | Enhancing environmental sustainability in the food sector Frank Hayer, FOEN Questions? Thank you for your attention. Frank Hayer Scientific Officer Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Economics and Environmental Monitoring Division