The Map East Nusa Tenggara Province
East Nusa Tenggara The province consists of over 550 islands, but is dominated by the three main islands of Flores, Sumba, and Timor. Occupying a unique position at the junction of Australian and Asian submarine ridges marked by the Wallace Line, it is one the world's most dynamic and exotic marine environments with nearly every species of coral and tropical fish represented. The arid landscape of eastern and southeastern Nusa Tenggara is the result of hot, dry winds blasting in from the Australian continent.
Kupang City Kupang City is the capital of East Nusa Tenggara is Kupang it’s located in western Timor island has almost inhabitants, making it the largest urban center in the province. It is the center of government, business, trade, and education. It is hot and Rocky city.
Population Most of the populations in East Nusa Tenggara works as farmers. People plant coffee tree, corn, and rice, and other plants. So the staple food for East Nusa Tenggara’s people is rice and corns.
Religion In East Nusa Tenggara we have five Religions such as : Catholic, Christian, Muslim, Hinduism, Buddhist. The Majority of the people embrace Catholic and Christian. From the three big islands Flores island is one of the island that most of it’s population embrace Catholic but for Timor and Sumba island a half of it’s population embrace Christian and the others embrace catholic, Muslim and a few embrace Hinduism and Buddhist.
LANGUAGES There are a lot of languages spoken in East Nusa Tenggara coming from as many different which groups of the population. Each regency has a local language but bahasa Indonesia is the national language that is used to communicate in daily life.
School Curriculum In our province each school must use the national curriculum. The name of the curriculum is KTSP ( Local curriculum) This Curriculum is based on the School environment, School condition. The material that we teach to students is based on School Environment, local environment, to make students easy to understand all the material that teach by the teacher.
School day In my country the school days are from Monday to Saturday. Every day the school activities start from seven am to one pm. Every day the classroom teacher must teach three lessons and each lesson has a time allocation (35 minutes) for each time allocation. Each subject that the teachers teach has different time allocation for example math has more time allocation than other subjects in all schools.
Classroom Teacher Classroom teacher must teach Math, Indonesian Language, Civics, Natural science, Social science, History. I am classroom teacher must teach those subjects above. English and Physical exercise, Music, and religion has a special teacher.
My Foundation is Swastisari Kupang My school is a private school. The name is Sekolah Dasar Katolik Don Bosko 2 ( Don Bosko 2 Catholic Elementary School). It is run by Foundation of Swastisari Kupang. This Foundation belongs to Kupang Archbishopric. This foundation’s schools starting kindergarten up to Senior High School, and is found in all Regencies in East Nusa Tenggara
My school location Don Bosko Catholic Elementary School 2 is located in centre of Kupang City on Jln. Jendral A yani No.52 Kupang. In this location there are some schools which belong to the same Foundation. They are Don Bosko Elementary School 1,2,3 and 4, Geovani Catholic Junior High school, Geovani Catholic Senior high School. And other schools which belong to other Foundation, such as : Maria Gorreti Kindergarten, Saint Theresia Catholic Junior high School and Widya Mandira University. So there are nine schools and one University in this location.
The Total Number of student in my school Total number of students in academic year 2012/2013 are : 260 students 1.Grade one: 36 students 2.Grade two: 38 students 3.Grade three: 49 students 4.Grade four: 45 students 5.Grade five: 40 students 6.Grade six: 52 students (two Classrooms)
Total Number of Teachers and staff 1.Emiliana Hoar(head Master) 2.Petronela Poto 3.Yuventa Li 4.Maria Yosefa Ngura 5.Theodorus Maing 6.Getrudis Nono 7. Teresia Jemamu 8. Rosa Dalima Janis 9. Yohanes Keso 10. Desy Lau 11. Geno Hurin 12. Veronika Bida Total Number of Teachers are: 11 teachers, 2 staff, and one cleaning service. The teachers name are:
The problems at school 1.To many students in one classroom 2.Lack teaching and learning facilities such as : Books, Computer, No internet Access 3.Lack of teachers for teaching in the classroom 4.The lack media in teaching and learning process 5.Most of the teacher can not speak English
Achievements 1.My school has chosen as the child hospitality and I am the Head of this program 2.As the winner of the math Olympic at province level 3.As the winner in painting competition at the province level
EXPECTATION Through this program we really Hope: 1.We can learn new culture 2.We can learn new method in teaching 3.We share our experiences in the classroom 4.I hope this program will continue in future 5.By this program can help the teacher to learn and master English
Teaching Method In teaching and learning process, there are some method that I used such as : 1.Talkative 2.Ask questions and answer the questions 3.Discussion 4.Roll play 5.experiment We use the methods above depends on the topic that we want to teach. But from the those methods talkative is always use by the Indonesian teacher.
The picture above is the traditional clothes from Manggarai Regency. They want to present a Traditional dance. If you have a chance to visit komodo lizard, it is closely with this regency.