College of Education Educator Preparation Capstone – May 29, 2015
Where We Are Now Academic Year the College of Education faculty participated in Courageous Conversations book study. College of Education faculty members participated with the Oregon Leadership Network which is focused on equity and started work on our Equity Plan using the LEAD Tool. In February, Viola Davis (an advocate for eliminating childhood hunger) spent the day with faculty learning more about the 3 to PhD Initiative in partnership with Portland Public Schools and Trillium Family Services. Then she delivered the keynote address for our annual student scholarship fundraiser at the Portland Art Museum. Faculty participated in a training facilitated by our ELL specialist that was focused on implementation of ELL strategies for all education courses.
Strengths Identified by Faculty College of Education Mission: A focus on preparing teachers who are committed to inspiring, encouraging and empowering their students to reach beyond their full potential. Diverse and vibrant community partnerships Strong commitment to ensuring that a focus on equity remains at the center of the College of Education mission Campus-wide focus on servant leadership, which provides the opportunity to address greater needs within the community as a whole
Where Are We Going The Dean approved the faculty request to revise the evaluation document, wherein faculty members must demonstrate specific culturally responsive teaching (i.e. course syllabi, class activities and assignments, and resources). Enhanced opportunities for partner faculty, staff, and clinical supervisors to participate in professional development centered around culturally responsive practices.
Where Are We Going Development of a dispositions survey for all initial teacher licensure candidates. Revision of the clinical experience exit survey to provide feedback about the culturally responsive practices embedded in our programs. Updates to current handbooks, program guides, and the COE webpage to emphasize our ongoing commitment to equity.
Resources Identified So Far
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