Sharing Session on Diversity Learning Grant Wan Chai District School Network Senior Secondary Music Partnership Programme 灣仔區學校網絡 高中音樂課程協作計劃 Ms Mendy Cheng & Ms Eva Kam 10 March 2010
Background With the support of the Wanchai Regional Education Office and the music section of the EDB, a working party comprised of interested schools was formed in August 2008 to work on the idea of a partnership in offering NSS music to students of the 1st cohort. During the academic year of 2008~09, regular monthly meeting was held to prepare the teaching materials, the timetable, the allocation of duties, the selection criteria & the promotion leaflet.promotion leaflet In September 09, the Wan Chai District School Network Senior Secondary Music Partnership Programme was commenced.
Partner Schools 協作學校 何東中學 香港真光中學 香港華仁書院 玫瑰崗學校
The Curriculum 課程 For the cohort 2009 ~ 2012, the programme will cover all the compulsory modules and Module 5 from the elective part. 選修部分 [ 四 ] 專題研 習 : 20% [ 五 ] 演奏 II : 20% [ 六 ] 創作 II : 20% 必修部分 [ 一 ] 聆聽 : 40% [ 二 ] 演奏 I : 20 [ 三 ] 創作 I : 20%
3-year plan SS1 Listening: a) Western Music (Suite, Fugue, Oratorio, Concerto grosso, Cantata, Concerto, Sonata, Symphony) b) Chinese Music (all) Creating: 2 compositions Performing: ensemble playing/sight singing SS2 Listening: a) Cantonese Operatic Music (all) Creating: 2 compositions Performing: solo & ensemble playing SS3 Listening: a) Popular Music (all) Creating: 1 composition Performing: mock SBA Revision Tests
The Admission Requirements 修讀及取錄條件 attained Grade 4 in ABRSM practical examination or equivalent passed Grade 5 ABRSM theory examination recommended by the music teacher.
The Lesson Arrangements 課堂安排 Lessons are conducted on Saturday mornings from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm at Hotung Secondary School for Module 1 (Listening) and Module 3 (Creating I) in two 90-minute sessions delivered by two teachers, with a 30-minute break in between. Guest speakers are invited on specific topics. As for Modules 2 and 5 (Performing I & II), 40 hours of lessons are delivered by the music teachers of individual schools. The School-based Assessment are conducted at individual school.
Coverage of DLG a part-time teaching assistant Creative Music Workshops (LCSD & Composers’ Guild) Cantonese Operatic Music Scheme (HKIED) Site license of Sibelius 6