Mental Health Peer Support Project Fran McBride Peter Cameron East Dunbartonshire Community Health Partnership
What is Peer Support ? “A relationship of mutual support where people with similar life experiences offer each other support especially as they move through difficult or challenging experiences” Scottish Recovery Network (2011). “Peer support is generally described as promoting a wellness model that focuses on strengths and recovery: the positive aspects of people and their ability to function effectively and supportively, rather than an illness model (Carter, 2000)
Sharing lived experience Empathy Mutuality Shared responsibility Empowerment Respect and acceptance Peer Support Principles
National Context Scottish Recovery Network/Scottish Government - Evaluation of the Delivering for Mental Health Peer Support Worker Pilot Scheme Scottish Government National Mental Health Strategy for Scotland Consultation ( ) Commitment 3: We will commission a short review of work to date in Scotland on peer support as a basis for learning lessons and extending the use of the model more widely.
EDCHP Peer Support Model Funding from East Dunbartonshire CHP /East Dunbartonshire Council Peer Support Service within Adult Community Mental Health Services 2 year pilot 1WTE = 2 part-time Peer Support Workers
Aims of service Improve patient experience of mental health services Promote recovery focussed, person centred approaches within mental health services. Bring service user perspective to service delivery and improvement Positively promote anti stigma within the workplace
Mental Health Peer Support Recruitment Induction Supervision Positive PR Building relationships Systems & processes Establishing networks Learning Educating Evaluation Setting up service
Peer Support Intervention Setting Goals Signposting Group work Support into organisations Engaging In Activity Positive thinking Support & advice Staying Well Plans Mental Health Peer Support Advance & personal statements
Service activities EQIA process for CMHT Community and Personal Assett development Advanced & Personal Statement Scottish Mental Health Film and Art Festival – East Dunbartonshire Event
Consultation/sharing practice Scottish Recovery Network Renfrewshire Employment Pathway Development Day North Glasgow Restart Mental Health Connections ED Stop, See Me, Listen = Better Outcomes Event Realising Work Potential Mental Health Strategy for Scotland Consultation
Evaluation Referral information Service User Questionnaire Case Study Evaluation of staff views of benefits of peer support PSW’s reflection on their own development
Feedback: Service Users “ The Peer Support Worker could relate to my mental health state from his own personal experience which made me feel at ease.” “The Peer Support Worker has enabled me to carry out certain tasks out with the home without previous levels of anxiety. Having a peer support worker was extremely helpful.”
Feedback: External organisation “One of the privileges of working with the Peer Support Worker is witnessing first hand the open-minded and open- hearted approach to working together with people. The way the worker uses their own experience to create an equal platform which empowers and promotes honest dialogue with those he is working with is truly inspirational; we all have a lot to learn from him.”
“It’s incredible to witness how positively service users respond to the advice offered by someone who has been in their shoes. This only works through the sincere and compassionate method the Peer Support Worker delivers this service.” Feedback: CHP staff member
Contact details Fran McBride Head Occupational Therapist/Peer Support Manager Peter Cameron Peer Support Worker