Maxine Hayes, MD, MPH State Health Officer Washington State Department of Health Shoreline Community College April 6, 2011
What is the relationship between global changes and local public health concerns and services in Washington State?
Travel time from North America to anywhere in the world is less than the incubation period for nearly all infectious diseases
Bugs rule! People, politics, policies Commerce and trade Natural and man made disasters Ecological changes due to the environment Agricultural practices
Movement of disease vectors Emerging/reemerging infectious disease Antimicrobial resistance Vaccine preventable disease outbreaks Food supply chain
Peanut Butter and Pistachios
Surveillance: the linchpin to conquering emerging, reemerging threats
Policy decisions in a variety of areas worldwide
Commit to practicing public health without borders
Change thinking from “think global/act local” to “think and act local and global” - “GloCal”
It’s a small world after all!