The National Connection for Local Public Health Developing your Community Action Plan May 10, 2012
Sections in CAP Introduction CHART membership Vision Mission Community Description Existing Efforts CHART Structures Assessment Results Workplan (Goals and Annual Objectives) Sustainability & Communications Plan Resources
CAP Workplan Project Goal(s) (to be accomplished over entire grant period) – Priority Area – Data Sources – Description of Progress & Barriers We recommend including a maximum of 5 goals Each goal should only cover 1 risk factor—nutrition, physical activity, tobacco One goal must focus on capacity building
CAP Workplan – Annual Objective Annual Objective(s) (to be accomplished each year) – Sector – PSE Strategy & Evidence Base – Target of Individuals Reached – Data Sources – Description of Progress & Barriers – Action Steps Each goal should include at least 1 annual objective Each annual objective should only cover 1 sector—CAL, schools, worksites, health care, community institutions
CAP Workplan – Project Goal
CAP Workplan – Annual Objective
Writing Goals and Objectives By [date], [increase, decrease, or maintain] [#, %, or rate] [what will be measured] from [baseline] to [target]. SMART Format Specific Measurable Achievable Results Oriented Time Specific
Example: Capacity Building Goal Project Goal 1.0: By Sept 2013, increase the number of infrastructure components supporting implementation of ACHIEVE policy strategies from 0 to 3. Annual Objective 1.1: By Sept 2013, increase the number of community coalitions composed of high level leaders from 0 to 1. Annual Objective 1.2: By Sept 2013, increase the number of community assessments completed from 0 to 1. Annual Objective 1.3: By Sept 2013, increase the number of community action plans focused on implementing policy, systems, and environmental change strategies to prevent chronic diseases from 0 to 1.
Example: PSE Goal Project Goal 2.0: By Sept 2015, increase the number of tobacco free educational sites in our community from 0 to 5. Annual Objective 2.1: By Sept 2014, increase the number of tobacco free high schools from 0 to 4. Annual Objective 2.2: By Sept 2015, increase the number of tobacco free college campuses from 0 to 1.
Example: PSE Goal
Example: PSE Annual Objective