HIT Policy Committee Meaningful Use Workgroup Paul Tang, Chair George Hripcsak, Co-Chair June 25, 2010
Workgroup Membership Co-Chairs: Paul Tang, Palo Alto Medical Foundation George Hripcsak, Columbia University Members: David Bates, Brigham & Women’s Hospital Michael Barr, American College of Physicians Christine Bechtel, National Partnership/Women & Families Neil Calman, Institute/Family Health Art Davidson, Denver Public Health James Figge, NY State Dept. of Health Linda Fischetti, Department of Veterans Affairs David Lansky, Pacific Business Group/Health Deven McGraw, Center/Democracy & Technology Latanya Sweeney, Carnegie Mellon University Micky Tripathi, MA eHealth Collaborative Charlene Underwood, Siemens
Using HIT to Eliminate Disparities: A Focus on Solutions MU Hearing: June 4, 2010 WG Sponsor: Neil Calman Panels 1.Health literacy & data collection 2.Culture 3.Access Disparities –Race and ethnicity –Language –Health literacy –Migrant and seasonal workers –Children & elderly –Homeless
Using HIT to Eliminate Disparities: A Focus on Solutions General HIT Themes –“Underserved” is not one group –Engage the community in design –Sharing information: HIE, PHR, mobile devices, new media, kiosks, second monitors –Measuring and reporting disparities –Requirement for education and training –Trust of the community, use of community organizations –Time is a challenge
Using HIT to Eliminate Disparities: A Focus on Solutions Meaningful use: –Report & track measures stratified by disparities –IOM 2009 report on race, ethnicity, language: standardization and granularity –Patient materials that are appropriate to language and culture Other government roles: –Coordinate training activities e.g., RECs train small provider staff on REL and stratification –Expand RECs, perhaps via community organizations –Use of telecomm program funds to purchase hardware, … –Central repository for materials and for experience
Meaningful Use Workgroup: Upcoming Meetings Upcoming Hearings on MU Criteria July 29, 2010 – Public Hearing on Population Health. Time & Location: TBD –Hearing will focus on achieving population health through meaningful use from the viewpoint of governmental public health agencies. Panelists will discuss experiences and current status of public health projects that use MU-like criteria or measures, and discuss potential areas for the HITPC to focus its attention to support MU that complements the public health mission. –MU Workgroup Sponsor: Art Davidson, Denver Public Health Department August 5, 2010 – Public Hearing on Care Coordination. Time & Location: TBD Watch ONC Website for details!