ARTICLE 4 Relations Among the States 1. Full Faith and Credit Clause – States honor each other 2. Citizen rights carryover state to state
3. CONGRESS admits new States – Can’t infringe on old States 4. Protection against invasion
ARTICLE 5 Methods of Amendment PROPOSAL 1. 2/3 of House and Senate 2. Conventions called by 2/3 of States RATIFICATION 1.¾ of State Legislatures 2.¾ of State Conventions
3. 27 total Amendments to Constitution Only 25 work today Only 17 since 1791 Bill of Rights = 1 st 10 Amendments
ARTICLE 6 General Provisions 1. Past debts from Articles of Confed. absorbed under Constitution 2. Supremacy Clause: Constitution is Supreme law of the land
3. Federal power superior to state power 4. Office holders bound by OATH to support Constitution 5. No religious test / condition ever required to hold office
ARTICLE 7 Ratification of the Constitution NINE states required to ratify Constitution