Dancing Rainbows Vocabulary and Sentences
illegal against the law It is illegal to steal.
respect admiration or consideration The family stood by the tree planted in honor of their father to show their respect.
tassels decorations made of loose threads tied together at one end Honor students wear gold tassels to symbolize good grades.
powwow a gathering for Native Americans to dance and meet together The Indian powwow was colorful and fun to watch.
plaza an open area in a town or city where people gather Mrs. Loya met her husband in the plaza to get her dog.
yelp to make a short, sharp yell Mr. Bullard was so happy he began to yelp loudly.
ancestors people in your family who are no longer living Families love to talk about their ancestors when they get together.
imitating copying what someone does The twins were imitating each other’s actions.
elders people who are older and wiser; respected leaders of a group Everyone should respect their elders.
honor to show special respect The men gave a twenty-one gun salute to show honor for the fallen soldiers.
bustle a decoration worn at the back-around or below the waist Jocelin wore a bustle under her dress for Halloween.