Agenda Announcements: Midterm due on Sunday November 16 by 5 pm in dropbox; Title your paper “FI Last Name Midterm” No class this week! Example entries in Journal Tips and Suggestions for Midterm Group Activity Teach the class!
Tips and Suggestions for the Midterm 5 pages per question and 15 pages total are the MAXIMUMS. If you use less pages for one question, you can’t transfer those to another Works Cited page is not needed Focus on the readings mentioned in the question. You can bring others in if you see their relevance, but that won’t make up for not engaging with the required one Answer all sub-questions Try to arrange your response as a “mini-paper” and have a clear focus or argument (as appropriate) make sure your answers to the questions fit into the overall structure of your paper You can or see me for questions on concepts I will not read outlines or drafts Don’t wait until Saturday or Sunday to me questions
An A Paper will have... A papers will have a clear focus, or thesis. In some cases it may be an argument (an opinion) in others it may be the answer to the main question – make sure it is broad enough so that all relating sub-questions can be answered without seeming out of place, but specific enough so that I can see your point of view. You can also lay out your plan or organization – but that is not necessarily your thesis A papers will thoroughly engage with the readings and use them to unpack aspects of class and go beyond surface differences or similarities. They will also find faults (if appropriate) with the readings and give clear evidence to support their claims. They will use the readings in new ways or identify alternate ways to view a situation in light of the concepts from the reading A papers will do the same with lecture concepts A papers will be clear, well-written and free from errors
Group Activity Find your groups that were ed about Your group is in charge of teaching the rest of the class the major concepts that are related to a question from the midterm You are NOT answering the questions from the midterm Your group should then engage in a discussion based on the discussion questions – you will share one interesting aspect of your discussion with the class Groups will “teach” the major concepts to the class
Review No Class Next Week Tips for the Midterm Review of Concepts