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Presentation transcript:

Session objectives:  Be aware of the value of active learning strategies in RE;  Consider the use of artefacts and story to enhance RE, promote enquiry and encourage cross curriculum exploration;  To access resources to support teaching and promote learning;  Enhance subject knowledge and understanding.

1 Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils; 2. Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils; 3. Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge ; 5. Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils; 7. Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment. Teachers’ Standards:

Subject knowledge Presentation order

What is active learning?

Think – pair - share 1. Think what you know about active learning strategies 2. Turn to a partner and share your knowledge 3. Share with group

Active learning Activity

An old Chinese proverb states: Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I may not remember. Involve me and I’ll understand. Some claim this is of native American origin.

Our society today needs young people who are flexible, creative, and proactive – young people who can solve problems, make decisions, think critically, communicate ideas effectively and work efficiently within teams and groups. The ‘knowing of knowledge’ is no longer enough to succeed in the increasingly complex, fluid, and rapidly evolving world in which we live. In order to optimise life-long learning and potential success it is now widely accepted that young people need to have opportunities to develop personal capabilities and effective thinking skills as part of their well-rounded education. Activity

Task With a partner select either letter A or letter B. A’s will be provided with an artefact which they must not show to anyone else. A is to describe the artefact so that B can draw it. N.B. You are NOT allowed to use the name of the artefact or the names of shapes. Discuss what you think your artefact is, how it might be used, why it might be special and to whom. Discuss the process and how successful you were.

Watch and note your thoughts and feelings. s/ks1-ks2-re-storytelling-workshop


Year One Assessment Blogfolio – A Joint Assessment with C/TEL “Providing opportunities to engage collaboratively with technologies and produce digital products to share with wider audiences” Create and maintain a blogfolio as a reflective journal and multimodal portfolio of work. The submission date is 7 th March All work must be completed by this date. Refer to the booklet provided by the C/TEL team.

Directed tasks: 1. Locate the RE journal section of the library and research articles on practice in “RE Today”. Add information as appropriate to your Blogfolio; 2. Review all the Group Presentations from the session and add to your Blogfolio; 3. Extend your personal knowledge and understanding of the topics and religions covered so far in the taught sessions; 4.Reflect on your learning and work on your Blogfolio.

Essential Reading: McCreery E., Palmer S. & Voiels V. (2008) Achieving QTS: Teaching Religious Education Exeter: Learning Matters Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 7. Howard, C. (1995) Investigating Artefacts in RE London: RMEP DFES (2003) Excellence and Enjoyment: a strategy for primary schools Nottingham: DFES
