Ozone at high elevation in Quebec region Kurt Anlauf, Kathy Hayden, Maurice Watt
(1)present background ozone concentrations (2) real-time ozone for use in air quality forecasting (3) long-term trend of ozone in Eastern North America (4) ozone episodes as a result of anthropogenic emissions (5) the meteorological and chemical processes conducive to the appearance of such episodes (6) the transboundary flux into southern Quebec. Science Objectives
N S E W M 845 masl at the top of a ski hill 7 km north of the Vermont/Quebec border in the eastern townships of Quebec
Sutton O 3 Trend: Jan 1987-Dec 2003
Sutton O 3 Trend by Wind Direction Sector Jan 1987-Dec 2003
Sutton O 3 Monthly Averages:
Sutton O 3 Monthly Averages by Sector
Seasonal Trend in O 3 at Sutton:
Sutton O 3 : Number of hourly O 3 values exceeding 60 and 80 ppbv per year
-2003 O 3 and meteorology data set in final form - Continuous remote data collection (2x/day) and site calibrations - data acquisition software upgraded and archiving programs rewritten – more streamlined - web site set up to post daily/weekly plots: trend analysis using trajectories Current Activities
Future Activities - site to be added to the AQ forecasting network - install upgraded instrumentation for real time access - start and complete 2004 O 3 and meteorology datasets - collaborating with S. Oltmans (NOAA) on a paper to assess tropospheric O 3 changes - more detailed NO x emissions (seasonal) – changes in anthropogenic emissions - continue with trend analysis