2015 1990 1 Module 4: MDGs and Medium-Term Development Strategies Tools for Civil Society to Understand and Use Development Data: Improving MDG Policymaking.


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Presentation transcript:

Module 4: MDGs and Medium-Term Development Strategies Tools for Civil Society to Understand and Use Development Data: Improving MDG Policymaking and Monitoring

What you will be able to do by the end of this module: Outline progress made so far with mid-term national development strategiesOutline progress made so far with mid-term national development strategies Describe how MDGs are reflected in mid-term strategiesDescribe how MDGs are reflected in mid-term strategies Know how MDG and mid-term strategy targets compareKnow how MDG and mid-term strategy targets compare Describe how plausible mid-term targets areDescribe how plausible mid-term targets are

MDGs and Mid-Term Development Strategies Countries need to develop medium-term strategies that include long-term goals, like the MDGsCountries need to develop medium-term strategies that include long-term goals, like the MDGs - In many low-income countries, the key medium- term strategy is poverty reduction strategy paper - In many low-income countries, the key medium- term strategy is poverty reduction strategy paper A key concern therefore is whether mid-term development strategy (MTDS) reflects the MDGsA key concern therefore is whether mid-term development strategy (MTDS) reflects the MDGs Although there is no set list of goals/indicators to be included in MTDSs, most MTDSs are framed against the backdrop of the MDGsAlthough there is no set list of goals/indicators to be included in MTDSs, most MTDSs are framed against the backdrop of the MDGs

What are MTDS/PRSPs? They describe a country's macroeconomic, structural and social policies and programmes to promote growth and reduce povertyThey describe a country's macroeconomic, structural and social policies and programmes to promote growth and reduce poverty MTDSs should be prepared by governments through a participatory process involving civil society and development partnersMTDSs should be prepared by governments through a participatory process involving civil society and development partners Therefore, there should be an agreement between a government and its stakeholders about what the government will be held accountable for deliveringTherefore, there should be an agreement between a government and its stakeholders about what the government will be held accountable for delivering

Mid-Term Development Strategies in Belarus and Moldova Belarus Programme of Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus for Programme of Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus for Moldova Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper ( )Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper ( ) National Development Strategy for National Development Strategy for

Five MTDS/PRSP Principles Country driven, with broad based participation by civil society and private sectorCountry driven, with broad based participation by civil society and private sector Results-orientated, i.e., focus on outcomes and impactResults-orientated, i.e., focus on outcomes and impact Comprehensive, i.e., poverty is treated as multi- dimensional phenomenonComprehensive, i.e., poverty is treated as multi- dimensional phenomenon Partnership-orientated, i.e., development partners involvedPartnership-orientated, i.e., development partners involved Based on a long-term perspective on poverty reductionBased on a long-term perspective on poverty reduction

MDGs and MTDS Are the MDGs reflected in MTDS?Are the MDGs reflected in MTDS? How do MDG targets compare with MTDS targets?How do MDG targets compare with MTDS targets? How plausible are MTDS targets?How plausible are MTDS targets? How are MDG targets integrated into MTDS?How are MDG targets integrated into MTDS?

Are the MDGs Reflected in MTDS? In general, the majority of MTDSs/PRSPs do reflect good coverage of the MDGsIn general, the majority of MTDSs/PRSPs do reflect good coverage of the MDGs E.g., all PRSPs as of August 2005 cover poverty headcount, education enrolment/attendance, maternal healthE.g., all PRSPs as of August 2005 cover poverty headcount, education enrolment/attendance, maternal health 90 per cent cover child mortality and water90 per cent cover child mortality and water But, coverage of indicators for women’s voice, income distribution, biological diversity and housing are around or below 20 per centBut, coverage of indicators for women’s voice, income distribution, biological diversity and housing are around or below 20 per cent

Are the MDGs Reflected in MTDS? (2) What explains the variance in the coverage of MDGs in MTDSs/PRSPs? Data for some MDG indicators may not be availableData for some MDG indicators may not be available Some MDG sectors are not high priorities in MTDSs, like the environmentSome MDG sectors are not high priorities in MTDSs, like the environment Relevance of MDG indicators (e.g., environmental or health indicators) varies from country to countryRelevance of MDG indicators (e.g., environmental or health indicators) varies from country to country

Common MTDS Goals not included in the MDGs MTDS contain goals that lie outside the MDGs: 100% have economic growth (GDP growth, GDP per capita etc.)100% have economic growth (GDP growth, GDP per capita etc.) 81% have roads (km of built and rehabilitated roads etc.)81% have roads (km of built and rehabilitated roads etc.) 78% have governance78% have governance

How do Targets Set in MTDS Compare with MDGs? MTDS targets are to be consistent with MDGs to ensure that implementation of a sequence of MTDS would result in achieving MDGsMTDS targets are to be consistent with MDGs to ensure that implementation of a sequence of MTDS would result in achieving MDGs As experience shows, MTDS/PRSP targets in several areas are at least as ambitious as the MDG targets (e.g., access to water and net primary enrolment)As experience shows, MTDS/PRSP targets in several areas are at least as ambitious as the MDG targets (e.g., access to water and net primary enrolment)

How do Targets Set in MTDS Compare with MDGs? (2) But, targets for child/maternal mortality are often less ambitiousBut, targets for child/maternal mortality are often less ambitious Change in these outcomes cannot be seen in the lifetime of a PRSPChange in these outcomes cannot be seen in the lifetime of a PRSP Keep in mind that the MDG targets for child/maternal mortality are among the most ambitious of all MDG targetsKeep in mind that the MDG targets for child/maternal mortality are among the most ambitious of all MDG targets

How plausible are MTDS targets when compared to past performance? MTDS/ PRSPs generally set targets that require more rapid improvements than the country’s past recordMTDS/ PRSPs generally set targets that require more rapid improvements than the country’s past record For poverty and water most countries set targets that require a faster rate of progressFor poverty and water most countries set targets that require a faster rate of progress The exceptions are for gender and the primary completion targetsThe exceptions are for gender and the primary completion targets Most countries also set higher rates of economic growth (non-MDG target) than historic trendsMost countries also set higher rates of economic growth (non-MDG target) than historic trends

Integration of MDGs into MTDS Countries are encouraged to adapt the MDGs to their specific circumstances, setting targets that are ambitious, but achievableCountries are encouraged to adapt the MDGs to their specific circumstances, setting targets that are ambitious, but achievable Comparing studies from 2003 and 2005 shows an increase in integration of MDGs into PRSPsComparing studies from 2003 and 2005 shows an increase in integration of MDGs into PRSPs

Summary MTDS describes a country’s macroeconomic, structural and social policies and programmes to promote growth and reduce povertyMTDS describes a country’s macroeconomic, structural and social policies and programmes to promote growth and reduce poverty In general, the majority of MTDS reflect good coverage of the MDGsIn general, the majority of MTDS reflect good coverage of the MDGs In several areas, MTDS targets are at least as ambitious as MDG targetsIn several areas, MTDS targets are at least as ambitious as MDG targets MTDS targets generally require more rapid improvements than the country’s past recordMTDS targets generally require more rapid improvements than the country’s past record

Practical 4 1.How has the introduction of a MTDS improved policy making in your country? 2.Has it made it easier to make the MDGs operational? 3.Are the MDGs fully integrated in the MTDS? 4.In what ways can the MTDS be improved to support the MDGs?