Intermediate Composition Midterm Jessica Bourgeois
According to MLA format…..
What type of font should be used? Calibri Courier New Times New Roman Arial
Times New Roman
What size should the font be?
How big are the margins on all sides? ½ inch 1 inch 1 ½ inch 2 inch
1 Inch
What is the distance from the top of the page to the page number? ¼ inch ½ inch ¾ inch 1 inch
½ Inch
How do you write the page number(header)? 1 Bourgeois Bourgeois 1 1 Jessica Jessica 1
Bourgeois 1
How is the title formatted? Above the heading, centered Under the heading, left aligned Under the heading, centered Under the heading, right aligned
Under the heading, centered
Quotation marks go around your title. True False
The heading is double spaced. True False
Write an example of MLA using your own information. ___________________________ ___________________________
First Name Last Name Mrs. Schimmeck Intermediate Composition: Block H Day Month Year
Which part of the Writing Process involves brainstorming? Pre-writing Drafting Revising Publishing
What links each main body paragraph to the next one? Transition sentence Ideas Essay structure Thesis statement
Transition Sentences
The projecting sentence appears in what paragraph? Introduction Body Conclusion
What is the first sentence in the introduction? Thesis Statement Preview Attention getter Clincher sentence
Attention Getter
Which is NOT an example of formal writing? Term paper In-class essay Personal journal Resume
Personal Journal
Using a graphic organizer is a pre- writing strategy. True False
You should really worry about spelling and grammar in the drafting phase. True False
Publishing involves sharing your writing with others. True False
The sentence in a paragraph that tells the main idea is the supporting sentence. True False
Your thesis statement should include all three points. True False
Each body paragraph in your essay should explain one of your main points. True False
Your conclusion should have your thesis statement(reworded). True False
You should always have at least two peer-editors. True False
Which part of the essay do ______ belong to.
Topic Sentences Introduction Body Conclusion
Supporting Sentences Introduction Body Conclusion
Thesis Statement Introduction Body Conclusion
Attention Getter Introduction Body Conclusion
Transition Sentences Introduction Body Conclusion
Preview/Introduction of topic/narrowing the focus Introduction Body Conclusion
Restated/Reworded thesis statement Introduction Body Conclusion
Summarizing Important Points Introduction Body Conclusion
Informal or Formal
Don’t Informal Formal
ASAP Informal Formal
Saint Scholastica Academy Informal Formal
5 Students Informal Formal
Five Students Informal Formal
Two thousand and ten Informal Formal
Idioms and slang Informal Formal
SSA Informal Formal
Dear Mrs. Schimmeck, Informal Formal
40 Short Sentences Informal Formal
The heart of a message combined with the details that enrich and develop the theme. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Focuses on the form and layout of the text and its readability (includes MLA format) Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Mechanical correctness of a piece. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
The internal structure of a piece of writing, the pattern of ideas. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Focuses on the rhythm and flow of the language, the sound of word patterns, and the way in which the writing plays to the ear Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Sentence Fluency
The use of rich, colorful, precise language. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Word Choice
The heart and soul of the message, the writers personality coming out in words. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
This involves essay structure. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Pre-writing falls under this. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
This is an auditory trait. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Sentence Fluency
This includes any graphics or visuals your paper may have. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
You check for spelling and punctuation for this trait. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Use precise nouns for this. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Word Choice
To check for this, you should read your writing aloud. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Sentence Fluency
Shows the writer’s personality and writing style. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Involves having correct grammar. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Focuses on using colorful and lively adjectives and verbs. Word Choice
Use clear, relevant, and accurate details and examples. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Involves having good sequencing. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
You should watch out for the five non- negotiable rules for this trait. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Uses tone appropriate for the purpose and audience. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Transitions fall under this trait. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Focuses on the content of the piece of writing. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Using the exact right words for what you mean. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Word Choice
You worry about this when editing. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
For this you should vary sentence lengths. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Sentence Fluency
To do this well, do not use slang. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
Word Choice
For this you must have correct MLA format. Ideas Organization Word Choice Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Presentation
What is the organizational method?
The Saint Scholastica Academy campus boasts a variety of school buildings from LaSalle to Jahncke, and the Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel. By Time By Content By Space By Perspective
The sharks most likely to attack swimmers are hammerheads, great whites, and tiger sharks. By Time By Content By Space By Perspective
Despite what cigarette companies want people to believe, smoking causes death to the smoker, illness to the nonsmokers around the smoker, and detrimental effects to the environment. By Time By Content By Space By Perspective
What an eighth grader needs to know before her first day of school, on the first day, and after the first day of school. By Time By Content By Space By Perspective
What is the subject? Verb? And is the sentence active? Passive?
The cat was chased around the house by the dog. Subject: Verb: ActiveorPassive
Subject: Cat Verb: was chased ActiveorPassive
The essay will be read aloud by me during block A. Subject: Verb: ActiveorPassive
Subject: Essay Verb: will be read ActiveorPassive
The pandas are carefully monitored by the zoologists. Subject: Verb: ActiveorPassive
Subject: Pandas Verb: are monitored ActiveorPassive
My teacher often wears a raincoat when it rains. Subject: Verb: ActiveorPassive
Subject: Teacher Verb: wears ActiveorPassive
What are the eight linking verbs? ________
Is Am Are Was Were Be Been Being
Need to: Be able to fill in the essay structure chart