1 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 1 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 European Plans for Security Space Capabilities European Plans for Security Space Capabilities Col Yves Blin May 15, 2006 Col Yves Blin May 15, 2006 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées
2 European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 2 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 Space Surveillance A Dual-use Common Needs Common Interests Cooperation Existing Proposals Opportunity Overall Context for Europe
3 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 3 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 Ariane High Pressure tank landed in Mars 2002 in Ouganda Coming for Ariane V13 launched in May 2002 Overall Context 1978 : Soviet satellite with nuclear reactor re-entered atmosphere and polluted Canada
4 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 4 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 July, 24 th 1996 : French Microsat CERISE striked by space debris Overall Context 1978 : Soviet satellite with nuclear reactor re-entered atmosphere and polluted Canada
5 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 5 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 July, 24 th 1996 : French Microsat CERISE striked by space debris Overall Context 1978 : Soviet satellite with nuclear reactor re-entered atmosphere and polluted Canada August 2000 : MIR station (130T) re-entered atmosphere
6 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 6 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 July, 24 th 1996 : French Microsat CERISE striked by space debris Overall Context 1978 : Soviet satellite with nuclear reactor re-entered atmosphere and polluted Canada August 2000 : MIR station (130T) re-entered atmosphere Between and objects in orbit (ESA Source)
7 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 7 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 July, 24 th 1996 : French Microsat CERISE striked by space debris Overall Context 1978 : Soviet satellite with nuclear reactor re-entered atmosphere and polluted Canada August 2000 : MIR station (130T) re-entered atmosphere Between and objects in orbit (ESA Source) Number of objects increases of 5% each year
8 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 8 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 Overall Context
9 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 9 Collective security in space - 15&16 May Space Treaty Does not exclude the ‘weaponization’ of space Overall Context
1010 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 10 Collective security in space - 15&16 May Space Treaty Does not exclude the ‘weaponization’ of space US Vision ‘Negation functions may be performed to achieve space superiority…’ ‘Negation can include actions against … space segment of an adversary’s space system.’ in ‘Joint Doctrine for Space operations’ (J.P. 3-14, 2002,August 9 th ) Overall Context
1 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 11 Collective security in space - 15&16 May Space Treaty Does not exclude the ‘weaponization’ of space US Vision ‘Negation functions may be performed to achieve space superiority…’ ‘Negation can include actions against … space segment of an adversary’s space system.’ in ‘Joint Doctrine for Space operations’ (J.P. 3-14, 2002,August 9 th ) Emerging Threats : ASAT, jamming techniques, land/space-based lasers,... Overall Context
1212 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 12 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 US capabilities High level mission USSTRATCOM Overall Context
1313 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 13 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 US capabilities High level mission USSTRATCOM Manpower 1 st Space Control Squadron, 21 st Space Wing,... Overall Context
1414 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 14 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 US capabilities High level mission USSTRATCOM Manpower 1 st Space Control Squadron, 21 st Space Wing,... High Performances 10 cm diameter at 4,000 km with 5 m accuracy LEO to GEO 26,000 objects tracked in the catalogue Overall Context
1515 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 15 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 US capabilities High level mission USSTRATCOM Manpower 1 st Space Control Squadron, 21 st Space Wing,... High Performances 10 cm diameter at 4,000 km with 5 m accuracy LEO to GEO 26,000 objects tracked in the catalogue Space Surveillance Network (SSN) More than 20 sensor sites World-wide Optical and radar Military and civilian Overall Context
1616 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 16 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 Overall Context
1717 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 17 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 European Autonomy as far as Space is concerned Independent Control of International Treaties Independent Control of Mitigation Measures Independent Monitoring of the GEO Common needs
1818 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 18 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 European Autonomy as far as Space is concerned Independent Control of International Treaties Independent Control of Mitigation Measures Independent Monitoring of the GEO Debris Knowledge Launchers Safety Satellites Safety Re-entry of decaying objects Common needs
1919 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 19 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 European Autonomy as far as Space is concerned Independent Control of International Treaties Independent Control of Mitigation Measures Independent Monitoring of the GEO Debris Knowledge Launchers Safety Satellites Safety Re-entry of decaying objects Intelligence Monitoring Rogue States / Evaluation of foreign space capabilities Conducting Military Operations in a safer Environment Common needs
2020 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 20 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 Cologne 3-4 June 1999 : Common Interest
2121 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 21 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 Cologne 3-4 June 1999 : ‘[The members of the European Council] intend to give the European Union the necessary means and capabilities to assume its responsibilities regarding a common European policy on security and defence.’ ‘We therefore commit ourselves to further develop more effective European military capabilities from the basis of existing national, bi-national and multinational capabilities and to strengthen our own capabilities for that purpose.’ ‘… notably the reinforcement of our capabilities in the field of intelligence, …’ in ‘Declaration of the European Council strengthening the common European Policy on Security and Defence’ Common Interest
2 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 22 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 Helsinki December 1999 : ‘The European Council underlines its determination to develop an autonomous capacity to take decisions and … to launch and conduct EU-led military operations in response to international crises.’ in ‘Presidency conclusions - Common European policy on security and defence’ Common Interest
2323 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 23 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 Helsinki December 1999 : ‘The European Council underlines its determination to develop an autonomous capacity to take decisions and … to launch and conduct EU-led military operations in response to international crises.’ in ‘Presidency conclusions - Common European policy on security and defence’ White paper 11 November 2003 ‘… further developments are needed in the field of … space surveillance, to meet the security objectives of the EU and of its Member States.’ Europe will also need developments of systems and services in the fields of: … space surveillance allowing the EU an autonomous capacity to detect and identify space objects. In ‘Space: A new European frontier for an expanding Union - An action plan for implementing the European Space policy’ Common Interest
2424 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 24 Collective security in space - 15&16 May : ECAP panel (military community) Included Space Surveillance in the capability gap for ESDP, in consultation with ESA. Common Interest
2525 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 25 Collective security in space - 15&16 May : ECAP panel (military community) Included Space Surveillance in the capability gap for ESDP, in consultation with ESA. ESA : EC SPASEC ‘panel of experts in space and security’ identified Space Surveillance as a European need. First results of ESA Study : Investment M€ Running costs60-70 M€ Common Interest
2626 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 26 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 ‘Common Operational Needs’ Paper Same approach than for Earth Observation Dual-Use oriented Co-operation oriented Open Architecture Existing proposals
2727 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 27 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 ‘Common Operational Needs’ Paper Same approach than for Earth Observation Dual-Use oriented Co-operation oriented Open Architecture Main Goal is to acquire the Knowledge of : Space Situation Space Environment Existing proposals
2828 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 28 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 ‘Common Operational Needs’ Paper Same approach than for Earth Observation Dual-Use oriented Co-operation oriented Open Architecture Main Goal is to acquire the Knowledge of : Space Situation Space Environment Realisation on a two-step approach Short Term :Already existing Assets Mid Term :Development of new Assets Existing proposals
2929 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 29 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 Existing assets TIRA GRAVESMonge PIMS Space Debris Telescope Tarot Existing Proposals
3030 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 30 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 Open Architecture Dedicated Space Surveillance Network IP Network Satellites Control Centres Space Surveillance Control Centres Imagery Sensors Catalogue Trajectography Sensors Orbitography Sensors Authorised Users Existing Proposals
3131 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 31 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 ‘In the Context of an Increasing Reliance on Space Assets for both Civilian and Military Goals, Europe needs to acquire Independently a First Capability to Monitor Space’ Conclusion
3232 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 32 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006 Let’s go ahead... Conclusion ‘In the Context of an Increasing Reliance on Space Assets for both Civilian and Military Goals, Europe needs to acquire Independently a First Capability to Monitor Space’
3 Etat-major des Armées - Division Programmes Interarmées European Plans for Security Space Capabilities 33 Collective security in space - 15&16 May 2006