+ Portrait Series (midterm) Art I
+ Purpose of the Assignment Create a series of 2 portraits Demonstrate knowledge of proportions of the human face Demonstrate shading techniques Demonstrate monochromatic color Demonstrate border mounting technique (add a black border to your project)
+ Portrait 1 Create a portrait using colored pencil Portrait to be completed in tints and shades of 1 color Monochromatic (you may blend 2 colors together next to each other on the color wheel) Portrait to be completed in smooth shading technique Choose an image from the magazine pictures provided Create drawing on 6x9 inch paper
+ Examples
+ Student Examples
+ Portrait 2 Draw the same portrait image with the same composition Shade the portrait in using your choice of scumbling, stippling, hatching, or cross-hatching. Shading must be completed in pen/ink Demonstrate a variety of value changes
+ Examples
+ The Possibilities!
+ Grading Criteria Each portrait is worth 50 points for a total of 100 points. The mounting process onto a black border along with your written strengths and areas to improve will be worth a 12 point quiz grade. Each portrait will be graded on: Craftsmanship Proportions of the face Value Shading technique Composition