Some Tools For Team Building an Introduction 2010 Faith and Light International Formation Project Team
Faith and Light International Formation Session Preamble God calls us, and entrusts this work to us, together. Our primary work is to love one another as we have been loved. Our way begins with becoming community together -developing and sustaining personal relationships through trust, sharing, reciprocity and support.
Faith and Light International Formation Session The quality of our relationships either promotes or goes against our mission; either attracts or pushes others away from Faith and Light. Getting tasks completed or decisions made is secondary to how we work together – to how we live this responsibility together according to our shared values.
Faith and Light International Formation Session A crucial quality necessary for any leader in Faith and Light is the ability to work as a member of a Team. This ability is shown through each Team member ’ s humility and commitment to work together for the good of all.
Faith and Light International Formation Session The Team has greater wisdom, strength, giftedness and ability to fulfill our mission than any one of us alone. We choose efficacy (doing a task well) over efficiency (accomplishing a task using the least amount of time, effort, cost and resources).
Faith and Light International Formation Session It is possible to accomplish more, with a better group “ spirit, ” by being truly present and being our brother ’ s and sister ’ s “ keeper ” even though it will require more time and effort.
Faith and Light International Formation Session We all share responsibility for the life and growth of Faith and Light. What we do with this responsibility differs according to the role that we have at the moment.
Faith and Light International Formation Session Commitment Presence We each commit to be as fully “ here ” and “ available ” as possible for the sacred work entrusted to us
Faith and Light International Formation Session Openness of mind and heart to one another to the work at hand to the movements of God ’ s Spirit
Faith and Light International Formation Session Mutuality to share from what I have been given and to welcome from what others have been given this is not mine; this is not yours; this is ours.
Faith and Light International Formation Session Reliability We will be there, accepting our share of the work and doing what we agree to do.
Faith and Light International Formation Session Trust in God in my companions in the collective wisdom of Faith and Light
Faith and Light International Formation Session Full participation willingness and freedom to work together with these people, giving what we can
Faith and Light International Formation Session Deal with and work through difficulties We will face conflicts and difficult situations, working to resolve them in a spirit of loving cooperation.
Faith and Light International Formation Session Communication The most crucial and problematic human activity
Faith and Light International Formation Session I commit to share with you about whatever affects our relationship and work together – feelings, concerns, ideas, desires, preferences, gratitude and sense of accomplishment.
Faith and Light International Formation Session Open / transparent Honest Direct Respectful Caring
Faith and Light International Formation Session Dialogue Everyone listening and everyone speaking I statements – My experience Something is going on in me / with me No talking about others Clarification if something is not well understood - ask This is not clear for me. Would you please explain?
Faith and Light International Formation Session Check-In What do we need to know for us to be together and to better work together?
Faith and Light International Formation Session How am I at this moment? What am I experiencing? Body, mind, spirit, heart, recent events Feelings Mad, sad, glad, afraid …
Faith and Light International Formation Session Vulnerability Hopes Fears (reassurances) Hurts (grains of truth) Dreams
Faith and Light International Formation Session Comfort level of intimacy I decide how much detail I feel comfortable with sharing Building Community By sharing the gift of ourselves as we are
Faith and Light International Formation Session Blocks, barriers, distractions Is there anything hindering me Anything making it difficult Anything “ pulling me away ” from being more fully present now? Response What can be done? What do you need? How can we be with you in this?
Faith and Light International Formation Session Appreciations Saying aloud things that have been well done Recent experience about others and one ’ s self I really liked the way … This was very clear and well presented. I feel good about how that turned out.
Faith and Light International Formation Session Collegiality = Co-responsibility for the Common Good We all share responsibility We consider, seek and work to implement the good of all the members We own our actions and their consequences No blaming anyone else. This is ours. What do we choose to do about it?
Faith and Light International Formation Session Decision making Consensus (usual) Agreement in the essentials Is not compromise
Faith and Light International Formation Session Discernment by leader (in the absence of consensus) Only as needed (rare) Takes in account wisdom and leanings of the Team Not because of time constraints or convenience Not to avoid a difficult process
Faith and Light International Formation Session Common Ground A starting place to work through or to deal with “ Stuck places ” Disagreements Is it a matter of “ substance ” or of “ style ” Principles or preferences To disagree “ agreeably ” We agree that we can have differing views, opinions, preferences, styles – that we can disagree about matters that are not essential.
Faith and Light International Formation Session Remembering together and returning to Our common vision, values, vocation, mission Charter and Constitution How does this fit with or “ promote ” who we are, what we believe, what we hope to do The facts (not opinions or interpretations of the facts) Priorities / mandate What has already been agreed to / decided upon
Faith and Light International Formation Session How we are using these Tools in this Session Commitment - We are here, open and ready to learn from each other We have many opportunities to practice good, effective communication (e.g. exercise on “ I ” statements)
Faith and Light International Formation Session We are using the Check In with our small sharing group Collegiality – We are learning how we all share responsibility for our communities and all our members Common Ground – We are called to find common ground when we disagree with one another on important matters