Democratic Deficit: Parliamentary Reform + Electoral Reform don`t forget … Party Reform & Citizen Engagement Carolyn Bennett, M.P. Fair Vote Canada AGM May 29,2010
Voter turnout average % % % % % % %
Rx for Democratic Deficit Democracy BETWEEN elections Party Reform Parliamentary Reform Electoral Reform
“Good public policy is developed when the policy-makers can keep in their mind’s eye the people affected.” Jane Jacobs
OECD Citizen as Partner 2001 Information Consultation Participation
Democracy BETWEEN elections 2- way accountability ‘Assured’ listening ‘representative’ democracy Meaningful citizen engagement
Legitimacy Timing ‘Assured Listening’ – EKOS Tracking Successes / Feedback processes
Citizen-centred federalism Civic efficacy “Citizens don’t want to govern they want to be heard” Stephen Coleman
Research PracticePolicy Virtuous Cycle of Evidence-based Policy
Research PracticePolicy KT
Research PracticePolicy KT Political will
Research PracticePolicy KT Political will Applied research
Research PracticePolicy ENGAGED CITIZENS KT Political will Applied research
Parliamentary reform Legitimacy of MP’s… being heard Committees Non-geographic constituencies… use of technology ‘free’ votes/party discipline all MP’s understand their role in ‘holding government to account’
Party Reform Democratic Good Governance Ursula Franklin Fair Transparent Takes people seriously…
Electoral Reform Proportional Representation - blended BIG country….. Geographic representatives still important Top – up……. ‘best losers’
Principles matter…. FAIR VOTE !!! More women elected Parliament more representative of the face of Canada
Process matters….. 1. Creating the case for change…..citizen engagement – present system NOT fair 2. Referendum 3. Deliberative Dialogue… exploring the options for a Made in Canada solution 4. Communication Plan 5. Legislation- Robust Parliamentary process/citizen engagement
B.C. Citizens’ Assembly Wisdom: making mistakes & learning from them Perception : run as University tutorial Appt of Researcher - Ken Carty supporter of STV dislike of political parties Perception of ‘fait accompli’
Ontario Citizen`s Assembly Short time frame Odd recruitment Self-selection Intensive wkend schedule problem for many No communication budget
Lessons learned from Ontario Without a more transparent/democratic process within the political parties….. Cdns won’t go for a blended system where the political parties choose the ‘topped up’ MPP’s
Referenda Swiss ….4 years minimum California..propositions… 6 months
It’s good for your health ! Physical and mental energy come from feeling in control of your life, having real choices, and being involved with other to find ways of organizing change for the better. Barbara Rogers