TheProject Mapping the Stellar Kinematics of Nearby Galaxies J. Falcón-Barroso Collaborators: M. Balcells, A. Vazdekis, and the SAURON Team.


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Presentation transcript:

TheProject Mapping the Stellar Kinematics of Nearby Galaxies J. Falcón-Barroso Collaborators: M. Balcells, A. Vazdekis, and the SAURON Team

 PIs: R. Bacon (Lyon), R.L. Davies (Oxford), P.T. de Zeeuw (Leiden)  CoIs: M. Bureau, M. Cappellari, E. Emsellem, J. Falcón-Barroso, D. Krajnovic, H. Kuntschner, R. McDermid, R.F. Peletier  Associates: R. van den Bosch, Y. Copin, K. Fathi, K. Ganda, B. Gerken, J. de Jong, E. Jourdeuil, B. Miller, G. Monnet, M. Sarzi, T. Statler, G. van de Ven, A. Weijmans,...  The Team

Outline  Integral field kinematic features in early-type galaxies Central disks, KDCs, Kin. Twists, CRCs Central disks, KDCs, Kin. Twists, CRCs Pseudobulges Pseudobulges High spatial resolution stellar kinematics with OASIS High spatial resolution stellar kinematics with OASIS A detailed study: NGC7332 A detailed study: NGC7332   A SAURON look at galaxy bulges Projects on bulges Minor-axis stellar kinematics (Flat velocity disp. Profiles)  The SAURON Bars Project  Conclusions

SAURON Stellar Velocity Fields Emsellem et al. 2004, MNRAS, in press (astroph/ )

Stellar Kin: Central Stellar Disks Stellar Kin: Central Stellar Disks (Bureau et al., Emsellem et al.) Central Disks: I: Disky isophotes V: Pinched isovelocities Double-hump  : Max along minor axis Min along major-axis h 3 : Anti-correlated with V Kin. Twists: (Triaxiality) V: Kin. twist/misalignment KDCs: V: Abrupt kin. twist Abrupt V change Peculiarities Strong/weak: (NGC4526, 4459) NGC4526 NGC4459

Stellar Kin.: Kin. Twists and KDCs Kinematic Twist: (NGC4477) KDC: (NGC4365) Central Disks: I: Disky isophotes V: Pinched isovelocities Double-hump  : Max along minor axis Min along major-axis h 3 : Anti-correlated with V Kin. Twists: (Triaxiality) V: Kin. twist/misalignment KDCs: V: Abrupt kin. twist Abrupt V change Peculiarities Davies et al NGC4477 NGC4365

Stellar Kin.: CRs Others: (Crs; NGC3414, 3608) NGC3414 NGC3608

Stellar Kin.: Others Others: (CR; NGC4473, 4550) NGC4473 NGC4550

Pseudobulges NGC3384 NGC7457 Flat velocity dispersion field NGC3384 Flat velocity dispersion along the major axis due to a central disk Best candidates for pseudobulges in Pinkney et al. 2003

SAURON and OASIS  SAURON: global kinematics and line-strengths  OASIS spatial resolution: zoom-in on nucleus  Allows study of orbital structure near central BH McDermid et al. (2004) NGC 4382

CD Central Disks KT Kin. Twists KDC Kin. Decoupled cores CR Counter-rotating cores Axi Axisymmetric galaxies EC(/12) Ellipticals Clusters 5 (9)6 (9)2 (3)1 (1)3 (6) EF(/12) Ellipticals Field 9 (11)6 (9)4 (6)1 (1)2 (4) LC(/12) Lenticulars Clusters 10 (10)4 (5)2 (2)3 (3)2 (5) LF(/12) Lenticulars Field 8 (9)5 (7)2 (4) 3 (6) Total(/48)32 (39)21 (30)10 (15)7 (9)10 (21) Total(%)67 (81)44 (63)21 (31)15 (19)21 (44)  Central stellar disks pervasive (70-80%)  KDCs and counterrotation numerous (>20-30%; >15-20%)  Non- axisymmetries very common (45-60%)  Regular axisymmetric objects not as frequent (20-40%) Stellar Kin.: Comp. Incidence

 Ordinary looking Boxy-S0 galaxy  Regular stellar kinematics (Fisher et al. 1994)  Plateau in the light profile (Lutticke et al. 2000)  Photometrically detected central disk (Seifert & Scorza 1996)  Complex gas distribution, showing a strong counter-rotating H  component and a weak co-rotating one. (Plana & Boulesteix 1996)  Flat H  line-strength along major axis (Bender & Paquet 1999) A Case Study: NGC7332 A Case Study: NGC7332 (Falcón-Barroso et al. 2004) NGC7332 NGC7339

A Case Study: NGC7332 SAURON FoV I-band major axis light profile (Peletier & Balcells 1997)

Stellar Kinematics  Stellar Kinematics  A Kinematically Decoupled Core  Double-peak velocity dispersion  Kinematic Evidence of the Central Disk  Cylindrical Rotation A Case Study: NGC7332  Double-hump rotation curve Major-Axis

 Complex gas distribution in general with some signs of ordered motion.  Off-plane gas clumps Gas Kinematics  Ionized Gas Kinematics A Case Study: NGC7332

Line Strength  Absorption Line Strength Raw Clean A Case Study: NGC7332 Age+Metallicity  Age+Metallicity

Interpretation of the Results: The presence of a bar Boxy bulge Plateau in the light profile Cylindrical Rotation Double-hump rotation curve Velocity dispersion profile with a central minimum and a plateau at moderate radii Strong h 3 – V anti-correlation (revealing the central disk) Homogeneous stellar populations (being 4-6 Gyr everywhere in the galaxy) The origin of the gas A tidal interaction with the neighbour galaxy NGC7339 Evolutionary Scenarios The bar has certainly affected the evolution of NGC7332 It is also quite possible that interactions played a role in the shaping of NGC7332 A Case Study: NGC7332

A look at galaxy bulges  Ongoing projects on bulges 24 Sa bulges (as part of the main survey) 24 Sa bulges (as part of the main survey) 11 S0-Sbc bulges from the Balcells & Peletier sample 11 S0-Sbc bulges from the Balcells & Peletier sample 22 Sb-Sm bulges (M. Carollo & R.F. Peletier) 22 Sb-Sm bulges (M. Carollo & R.F. Peletier)

The Balcells & Peletier Sample A sample of highly inclined (i>50º) nearby galaxies to look at pure bulges with no disk contamination. Photometry of 45 nearby bulges (Balcells & Peletier 1994) (Andredakis et al. 1995) (Peletier & Balcells 1997) (Balcells et al. 2003, 2004a, 2004b) Stellar Populations of 19 bulges (Peletier et al. 1999) (Falcón-Barroso et al. 2002) (Falcón-Barroso et al. 2003a) Kinematics of 19 nearby bulges (Falcón-Barroso et al. 2003b)

 Long Slit spectroscopy (minor axis) of 19 bulges from the Balcells & Peletier sample  ISIS at WHT (La Palma)  Ca II triplet region  SSP models from Vazdekis et al used as templates for kinematics Minor-Axis Stellar Kinematics in bulges Minor-Axis Stellar Kinematics in bulges (Falcón-Barroso et al 2003b)

 Minor Axis Rotation Minor-Axis Stellar Kinematics in bulges  Rotation in the inner parts

 Velocity Dispersion Profiles Centrally Peaked Profs.  Classical bulges  Large Vel. Disp. Gradient (  <<0) Flat Profiles  Bulges dominated by rotation (Pseudobulges?, Kormendy 1993)  Small Vel. Disp. Gradient (  ~0) Minor-Axis Stellar Kinematics in bulges

 Velocity dispersion gradients No correlations were found with bulge luminosity, central velocity dispersion or Sérsic index n Barred or box-peanut bulges Non-Barred bulges Minor-Axis Stellar Kinematics in bulges

 2 strong barred galaxies observed (Aug 2003) NGC936 NGC936 NGC6951 NGC6951 The Bar Project Jourdeuil The Bar Project (Jourdeuil et al.)  Scientific Goals 2D application of the Tremaine-Weinberg method to measure pattern speeds and quantify uncertainties in 1D data 2D application of the Tremaine-Weinberg method to measure pattern speeds and quantify uncertainties in 1D data Detailed study of the orbital structure using N-body simulations Detailed study of the orbital structure using N-body simulations Link between the orbital structure and the stellar populations Link between the orbital structure and the stellar populations

Conclusions   Stellar kinematics exhibits rich variety: (central disks pervasive; KDCs/CRs numerous; non-axisymmetry common) Number of KDCs/CRs likely to increase with higher spatial resolution (i.e. OASIS)   NGC7332 shows evidence for hosting a bar + signatures for recent interactions (with neighbour galaxy NGC7339?)   Big SAURON effort on spiral bulges (3 complementary samples are being studied) Long slit minor axis stellar kinematics, on the Balcells & Peletier sample, show a wide range of velocity dispersion profiles Both, flattened bulges and galaxies with brighter face-on disk central surface brightness showing shallower velocity dispersion profiles   A specific SAURON project on barred galaxies has started with the main goal of studying in detail the orbital distribution its link with stellar populations