TheProject Mapping the Stellar Kinematics of Nearby Galaxies J. Falcón-Barroso Collaborators: M. Balcells, A. Vazdekis, and the SAURON Team
PIs: R. Bacon (Lyon), R.L. Davies (Oxford), P.T. de Zeeuw (Leiden) CoIs: M. Bureau, M. Cappellari, E. Emsellem, J. Falcón-Barroso, D. Krajnovic, H. Kuntschner, R. McDermid, R.F. Peletier Associates: R. van den Bosch, Y. Copin, K. Fathi, K. Ganda, B. Gerken, J. de Jong, E. Jourdeuil, B. Miller, G. Monnet, M. Sarzi, T. Statler, G. van de Ven, A. Weijmans,... The Team
Outline Integral field kinematic features in early-type galaxies Central disks, KDCs, Kin. Twists, CRCs Central disks, KDCs, Kin. Twists, CRCs Pseudobulges Pseudobulges High spatial resolution stellar kinematics with OASIS High spatial resolution stellar kinematics with OASIS A detailed study: NGC7332 A detailed study: NGC7332 A SAURON look at galaxy bulges Projects on bulges Minor-axis stellar kinematics (Flat velocity disp. Profiles) The SAURON Bars Project Conclusions
SAURON Stellar Velocity Fields Emsellem et al. 2004, MNRAS, in press (astroph/ )
Stellar Kin: Central Stellar Disks Stellar Kin: Central Stellar Disks (Bureau et al., Emsellem et al.) Central Disks: I: Disky isophotes V: Pinched isovelocities Double-hump : Max along minor axis Min along major-axis h 3 : Anti-correlated with V Kin. Twists: (Triaxiality) V: Kin. twist/misalignment KDCs: V: Abrupt kin. twist Abrupt V change Peculiarities Strong/weak: (NGC4526, 4459) NGC4526 NGC4459
Stellar Kin.: Kin. Twists and KDCs Kinematic Twist: (NGC4477) KDC: (NGC4365) Central Disks: I: Disky isophotes V: Pinched isovelocities Double-hump : Max along minor axis Min along major-axis h 3 : Anti-correlated with V Kin. Twists: (Triaxiality) V: Kin. twist/misalignment KDCs: V: Abrupt kin. twist Abrupt V change Peculiarities Davies et al NGC4477 NGC4365
Stellar Kin.: CRs Others: (Crs; NGC3414, 3608) NGC3414 NGC3608
Stellar Kin.: Others Others: (CR; NGC4473, 4550) NGC4473 NGC4550
Pseudobulges NGC3384 NGC7457 Flat velocity dispersion field NGC3384 Flat velocity dispersion along the major axis due to a central disk Best candidates for pseudobulges in Pinkney et al. 2003
SAURON and OASIS SAURON: global kinematics and line-strengths OASIS spatial resolution: zoom-in on nucleus Allows study of orbital structure near central BH McDermid et al. (2004) NGC 4382
CD Central Disks KT Kin. Twists KDC Kin. Decoupled cores CR Counter-rotating cores Axi Axisymmetric galaxies EC(/12) Ellipticals Clusters 5 (9)6 (9)2 (3)1 (1)3 (6) EF(/12) Ellipticals Field 9 (11)6 (9)4 (6)1 (1)2 (4) LC(/12) Lenticulars Clusters 10 (10)4 (5)2 (2)3 (3)2 (5) LF(/12) Lenticulars Field 8 (9)5 (7)2 (4) 3 (6) Total(/48)32 (39)21 (30)10 (15)7 (9)10 (21) Total(%)67 (81)44 (63)21 (31)15 (19)21 (44) Central stellar disks pervasive (70-80%) KDCs and counterrotation numerous (>20-30%; >15-20%) Non- axisymmetries very common (45-60%) Regular axisymmetric objects not as frequent (20-40%) Stellar Kin.: Comp. Incidence
Ordinary looking Boxy-S0 galaxy Regular stellar kinematics (Fisher et al. 1994) Plateau in the light profile (Lutticke et al. 2000) Photometrically detected central disk (Seifert & Scorza 1996) Complex gas distribution, showing a strong counter-rotating H component and a weak co-rotating one. (Plana & Boulesteix 1996) Flat H line-strength along major axis (Bender & Paquet 1999) A Case Study: NGC7332 A Case Study: NGC7332 (Falcón-Barroso et al. 2004) NGC7332 NGC7339
A Case Study: NGC7332 SAURON FoV I-band major axis light profile (Peletier & Balcells 1997)
Stellar Kinematics Stellar Kinematics A Kinematically Decoupled Core Double-peak velocity dispersion Kinematic Evidence of the Central Disk Cylindrical Rotation A Case Study: NGC7332 Double-hump rotation curve Major-Axis
Complex gas distribution in general with some signs of ordered motion. Off-plane gas clumps Gas Kinematics Ionized Gas Kinematics A Case Study: NGC7332
Line Strength Absorption Line Strength Raw Clean A Case Study: NGC7332 Age+Metallicity Age+Metallicity
Interpretation of the Results: The presence of a bar Boxy bulge Plateau in the light profile Cylindrical Rotation Double-hump rotation curve Velocity dispersion profile with a central minimum and a plateau at moderate radii Strong h 3 – V anti-correlation (revealing the central disk) Homogeneous stellar populations (being 4-6 Gyr everywhere in the galaxy) The origin of the gas A tidal interaction with the neighbour galaxy NGC7339 Evolutionary Scenarios The bar has certainly affected the evolution of NGC7332 It is also quite possible that interactions played a role in the shaping of NGC7332 A Case Study: NGC7332
A look at galaxy bulges Ongoing projects on bulges 24 Sa bulges (as part of the main survey) 24 Sa bulges (as part of the main survey) 11 S0-Sbc bulges from the Balcells & Peletier sample 11 S0-Sbc bulges from the Balcells & Peletier sample 22 Sb-Sm bulges (M. Carollo & R.F. Peletier) 22 Sb-Sm bulges (M. Carollo & R.F. Peletier)
The Balcells & Peletier Sample A sample of highly inclined (i>50º) nearby galaxies to look at pure bulges with no disk contamination. Photometry of 45 nearby bulges (Balcells & Peletier 1994) (Andredakis et al. 1995) (Peletier & Balcells 1997) (Balcells et al. 2003, 2004a, 2004b) Stellar Populations of 19 bulges (Peletier et al. 1999) (Falcón-Barroso et al. 2002) (Falcón-Barroso et al. 2003a) Kinematics of 19 nearby bulges (Falcón-Barroso et al. 2003b)
Long Slit spectroscopy (minor axis) of 19 bulges from the Balcells & Peletier sample ISIS at WHT (La Palma) Ca II triplet region SSP models from Vazdekis et al used as templates for kinematics Minor-Axis Stellar Kinematics in bulges Minor-Axis Stellar Kinematics in bulges (Falcón-Barroso et al 2003b)
Minor Axis Rotation Minor-Axis Stellar Kinematics in bulges Rotation in the inner parts
Velocity Dispersion Profiles Centrally Peaked Profs. Classical bulges Large Vel. Disp. Gradient ( <<0) Flat Profiles Bulges dominated by rotation (Pseudobulges?, Kormendy 1993) Small Vel. Disp. Gradient ( ~0) Minor-Axis Stellar Kinematics in bulges
Velocity dispersion gradients No correlations were found with bulge luminosity, central velocity dispersion or Sérsic index n Barred or box-peanut bulges Non-Barred bulges Minor-Axis Stellar Kinematics in bulges
2 strong barred galaxies observed (Aug 2003) NGC936 NGC936 NGC6951 NGC6951 The Bar Project Jourdeuil The Bar Project (Jourdeuil et al.) Scientific Goals 2D application of the Tremaine-Weinberg method to measure pattern speeds and quantify uncertainties in 1D data 2D application of the Tremaine-Weinberg method to measure pattern speeds and quantify uncertainties in 1D data Detailed study of the orbital structure using N-body simulations Detailed study of the orbital structure using N-body simulations Link between the orbital structure and the stellar populations Link between the orbital structure and the stellar populations
Conclusions Stellar kinematics exhibits rich variety: (central disks pervasive; KDCs/CRs numerous; non-axisymmetry common) Number of KDCs/CRs likely to increase with higher spatial resolution (i.e. OASIS) NGC7332 shows evidence for hosting a bar + signatures for recent interactions (with neighbour galaxy NGC7339?) Big SAURON effort on spiral bulges (3 complementary samples are being studied) Long slit minor axis stellar kinematics, on the Balcells & Peletier sample, show a wide range of velocity dispersion profiles Both, flattened bulges and galaxies with brighter face-on disk central surface brightness showing shallower velocity dispersion profiles A specific SAURON project on barred galaxies has started with the main goal of studying in detail the orbital distribution its link with stellar populations