Deliberative democracy and Civil Deliberation Process of institutionalization of practices and rules based on pluralism, political equality and collective deliberation, capable of eliminating or reducing obstacles for cooperation as well as free and equal dialogue. Special types of discussion that imply a serious reflection on reasons in favour or against a given proposal. Popular will is not the starting point for democracy. It’s the result of the endogenous transformation of initial preferences of citizens using rational and argument.
Conditions for deliberative democracy Deliberative incorporation, that is to say, all the citizens have the same right, independently from social, political, cultural or economic insertion. Principle of participation, characterized by the provision of equal rights of participation, including the right to vote, to associate, to voice political expression, to be elected into a political position. Principle of common good that orientates the discussion towards a public agreement with respect of social priorities with the objective of promoting best practices in social justice
Potential advantages of deliberative democracy It provides information about the own preferences, the preferences of others and the effects of their decisions. It modifies the narrow interests in the short term. Produces decisions of better quality. It increases the possibility of reaching consensus on the common good It reinforces the equity on having needed the equality of opportunities to taking part in the public debate. It generates a citizenship more qualified with respect to the figures of the voteing citizen, the client or the consumer.
Uncertainties on the deliberative democracy The force of the best argument could bypass questions of power, inequality and exclusion discourse. The attention to the common good might proscribe the dimension of conflict, strategic negotiation and the promotion of interests of disadvantaged groups. Its application in the local arena can lead to the State unburdening itself with the responsibility of offering the condition in which carrying out a debate is possible.
WARNINGS participation must not replace the technical competition. Participation increases the risk of raising expectations Conflict resolution mechanisms need to be in place to generate changes in the current power structures and leading priviledged groupd to yielding power. To avoid forms of exclusion between excluded groups, since there exist diverse interests that not always operate with suitable mechanisms of account surrender between bases and leaders
II. Participatory Budgeting Process in Chile
GOVERNMENT Civil society Public space deliberation Social contract to adjust the plan of investments Public parameters +
Community organizations Citizens Government DIRECT PARTICIPATION Regional and thematic forums Council of the Budget Participation
a) A model of co forms - public management state - civil society b) It makes the priorities more efficient and equitable c) It makes the right to take part possible d) It develops democratic attitudes in the process of make of decisions e) It creates a public transparent and democratic sphere e) It is a learning of the responsibility for the questions of the municipality f) The community and government legitimize the proposals Principal Characteristics
1.All the citizens have right to take part 2. The participation is directed by a combination of rules of participatory and representative democracy 3. The resources of investment are distributed according to a combination of general and technical criteria The Principles
Benefices 1.Legitimacy of the decisions of the municipality (gobernabiliy) 2. The resources are invested in agreements to the needs detected and prioritized by the same population 3. It motivates the active participation of the community in the public management (gobernanza) 4. To generate the confidence capital between authorities of the municipality and the local citizenship 5. It generates new forms of management participative 6. It generates transparency