NHS. YAY!!! 7 November 2011
SERVICE OPPS Saturday, Nov. 12, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., PIONEER DAY at Jesse Jones Park: A living-history look at early Texas settler and Akokisa Indian lifestyles. Skirmishes staged for Texas independence. Volunteers needed for pioneer crafts, hayride monitoring, gate keeping, and food service. Free and open to community. Shifts are 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and 12 noon-4 p.m. or all day Clean up shift is 4-6 p.m. Please respond by Monday, Oct. 31, with names, contact information, and shifts to Volunteer Coordinator Kaylen Fry at or e- mail
MORE SERVICE OPPS The next YMCA Special Friends Night Out is November 12. Volunteers must commit by November 9 for the full 4 hours. Please Michael if interested! Blue Tide Aquatics 8 & Under Invitational Meet Dates/times: 12 November: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM (arrive at 8:45 AM) 11:00 AM to End (Approx. 1:00 PM) Location: Kingwood High School Natatorium If you’re interested please Mr. McLeod at
NHS T-Shirts! T-Shirt Dues are $10! Pick your t-shirt up after meeting outside!
Senior Game Day Committee Our first meeting was awesome… but there is still room for more volunteers! Maliha, if you ’ re interested!
Teacher Helpers Teachers are overworked, and YOU need points! …So why not help out one of our beloved teachers a few afternoons?? (1 hr = 1 pt) to notify Maliha which teacher you want to help. Get your point form signed by the teacher and (if you want) by Maliha!
Need a leadership point? Leadership Seminar! – November 12 th Plethora of exciting games Awesome way to interact with NHS members Surprising guest speaker! Team building activities Fantastic way to spend your Saturday Easy leadership point November 12 th – mark your calendar!
FOOD DRIVE Food drive is on all of this week! Everyone should donate, please! Girls collect in the sports commons; boys are in the atrium. 10 cans = 1 point (max. of 2) Go Mrs. Cobb's room or find an officer to initial the cans and sign your point forms.
MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION Have any suggestions? We need to raise $6,000 by the end of the year...
After alpha groups, we will all be meeting again. SO DON’T LEAVE, PLEASE. RAWR