Welcome! Presenter: Michael Sinnott
Major Topics To Be Covered In This Presentation Section Header The Warehouse Locator Tracking “Eaches” in the Locator Non-Locator Warehouse Functionality
Topic Header
Section Header Why Use the Warehouse Locator? Track Inventory by Location Keep a SKU in Multiple Locations Perform Picks for Allocations Pick by Location for Sales Order/Web Order Fulfillment
Section Header Why Not to Use the Warehouse Locator? Each SKU is always in a single location in your warehouse The Locator adds a layer of complexity It is a separate inventory that the system maintains Additional processes for allocations/inter-store transfers
Section Header Creating Locations Define a locator with up to 5 coordinates Create ranges (batches) of locations initially Print barcoded location labels to affix to shelving Maintain multiple physical warehouses Each physical warehouse is a “store” Create individual new locations as needed
Section Header Creating Range of Locations
Section Header Location Labels
Section Header Store Settings Default Putaway Location – for PO receivings Transfer Receive Location - for Transfer receivings Pick Type – if fulfilling sales/web orders from warehouse Set to “By Warehouse Location”
Section Header Receiving Items into the Locator Use same screens to receive that you currently use PO Receiving automatically adds units to the locator Default Putaway Location Transfer Receiving also adds to the locator automatically Transfer Receive Location
Section Header Move Items within the Locator Use “Location Transfer” to move items in the locator Moves units from one location to another Use for the actual “put-away” or to just rearrange items Always tell the system when you are moving items Use the Frontend or the Mobile App
Section Header Location Transfer - Frontend Select SKU/Current Location from pick list Displays details of the selected SKU and Location Select destination location from pick list Specify number of units being moved Validation prevents moving more units than system has
Section Header Location Transfer - Frontend
Section Header Location Transfer - Mobile Available with “Command Mobile” Scan barcode on “From Location” label Enter quantity being moved Scan item’s UPC or barcode Bring the items to the new location Scan barcode on label at the “To Location”
Section Header Location Transfer - Mobile
Section Header Location SKUs List Find items in the Locator Search by Brand, Style, Size, Dept, etc. Each location that contains each SKU Shows physical quantity of SKU in location Also shows quantity “pending” on picks for allocations
Section Header
Manual Adjustments to Items in Locator Adjust quantities as part of a cycle count Add items missing from the locator All adjustments create a Physical Adjustment transfer Adjusts base inventory and locator inventory Report on warehouse adjustments
Section Header Add Item to Location
Section Header Warehouse Physical Inventory 3 Types of Warehouse Physical: Entire Warehouse Some Styles Specific Locations Adjusts base inventory and the Locator inventory Mobile app for warehouse physical
Section Header Warehouse Physical Inventory - Mobile Define the physical inventory through the frontend Select the desired physical inventory on the mobile device Scan barcode label of first location Enter quantity and then scan first item in that location Repeat for additional items in location Continue on to next location and keep scanning
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System-Generated Picks Picks generated for warehouse-to-store allocations Picks generated in Pick Waves for sales and Web orders Print pick sheets for warehouse personnel Uncommitted Picks Set the “Pending” Quantity in Locator Committing Pick Relieves Pending and Location Quantity
Section Header System-Generated Picks Picks generated for warehouse-to-store allocations Picks generated in Pick Waves for sales and Web orders Print pick sheets for warehouse personnel Uncommitted Picks Set the “Pending” Quantity in Locator Committing Pick Relieves Pending and Location Quantity
Section Header Generate Picks for Allocations (Inter-Store Transfers)
Section Header Generate Picks for Customer Orders Follow “Order Processing” steps in Fulfillment After Pick Wave generated go to Pick Wave List Select desired wave and Print Pick Sheets Option to print pick sheets grouped by order or location
Section Header Generate Picks for Customer Orders
Section Header Mobile Picks/Allocations Two apps in one Scan items off the shelves for system-generated picks Create a new allocation on-the-fly in the warehouse “On-the-fly” allocation combines new transfer, generating picks and creating “pack-to-store” cases
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Mobile Picks – Existing Allocation/Picks Requires picks already generated through frontend Scan or enter transfer/allocation# to pick on mobile device Scan location of label of first location to pick from Enter quantity and scan barcode of item being picked Validates that item exists in that location and has enough quantity Continue scanning the locations and items while picking
Section Header Mobile Picks – New Allocation Click “New” on first screen of mobile app Select destination store – only one “to” store allowed Scan the first location’s label Enter quantity and scan the barcode for first item Continue scanning each item, packing the case as you go Finish Case saves the transfer/pick/case
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Non-Locator Functionality Warehouse functionality independent of the locator Provide additional tracking for store-bound allocations
Section Header Pack-to-Store Build store-bound cases on the fly by scanning Select the destination store for the case Scan each unit into a case Running total of scans and unique SKUs Finish Case prints packing list/case label Use the Frontend or Mobile App
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Shipping Manifest Scan store-bound cases onto a Manifest Validates that only appropriate cases can be added Option to update inventory once the case is manifested Print manifest documents for carrier
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