Semester Exam Review Social Studies
India won its independence from Great Britain in 1947.
India’s society is organized into social classes based on a person’s ancestry.
The most industrialized country in Southwest Asia is Israel.
The first known people to live in North Africa were the Berbers.
Sri Lanka lies on an important ocean shipping route between Asia and Africa.
The Philippines spent more than 300 years as a Spanish colony.
Great Britain’s government is a constitutional monarchy.
The tropics are areas that lie near the equator.
One reason our world is “shrinking” is because of technology.
Democracy is a form of limited government.
The study of the earth’s land, water, plants, and animals is part of physical geography.
Lebanon endured a civil war from 1975 to 1990.
The Islamic faith requires followers to make a pilgrimage to Makkah.
The holiest day in Judaism is Yom Kippur.
The Mesopotamian civilization developed in a region known as the Fertile Crescent.
The Sumerians used clay tablets to record a form of writing called cuneiform.
The People’s Republic of China is the official name of China.
China’s government and society were shaped by the teachings of Kongfuzi.
Tokyo and Yokohama lie on the Japanese island of Honshu.
Pandas and other rare animals roam at the eastern end of the Plateau of Tibet.
Papua New Guinea shares the island of New Guinea with Indonesia.
In 1910 Japan conquered Korea and made it part of its empire.
Most people in Indonesia are Muslim.
At the northern tip of Morocco is the Strait of Gibraltar.
Istanbul is the only city in the world located on two continents.
The Ganges and the Brahmaputra are two of Bangladesh’s two major rivers.
Pakistan and Bangladesh are both Muslim countries.
Most of China’s people live in rural areas.
The rule of Saddam Hussein in Iraq is an example of a dictatorship.
The four major oceans are the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic.
When two continental plates smash into each other, they produce mountains.
The Nile River begins in east Africa and flows north to the Mediterranean Sea.
Jews believe the Ten Commandments are God’s laws revealed to the prophet Moses.
According to Christians, the Messiah the Jews were waiting for was Jesus.
Muslims must fulfill obligations called the five pillars of faith.
In Pakistan, people use Sindhi and Punjabi as their major languages.
Taiwan is an island country.
China’s communist leader who made China a more open country was Deng Xiaoping.
Hong Kong and Macau are Chinese cities that were once controlled by a European country.
Laos and Vietnam both have communist governments.
Thailand’s government is trying to preserve one of its most valuable resources by limiting the widespread cutting of forests.
About half of Brunei’s income comes from exporting oil and natural gas.
Singapore is a small island nation in Southeast Asia with a high standard of living.
Most of the earth’s freshwater is found in glaciers.
Some farmers practice crop rotation to avoid using up all of the minerals in the soil.
Cutting down rain forests can cause less rainfall.
Erosion is a process that carries away soil, making the land less fertile.