RaQuel Williams and India Eppes
Hot and Dry Low down plants Animals have to burrow underground or come out at night
Covers one fifth of earth’s land surface Little rainfall Location: Africa
Barrel Cactus Brittle Bush Desert Ironwood Soaptree Yucca Jumping Cholla Pancake Pricky Pear Cactus Bobcats Armadillo Lizard Catcus Wren Coyote Thorny Devil Desert Kangaroo Rat
Lots of sand Sunlight Vegetation is rare
Triangle-Leaf Bursage(Deltoidea) Palo Verde(Microphyllu m) Mojave Aster(Tortifolia) Desert Bighorn Sheep(Canadenis Nelsoni) Banded Gila Monster( Suspectum Cinetum) Desert Tortoise (Agassizii)
Fighting Making Noise Courting
Deal with heat and sun Lack of water Intense temp during night and day Rely on bird seeds Underground for 9mths Come out at night Long hears for coolness
Humans mine under the surface of the desert for the water Once water is gone..Its not coming back
Mojave National Preserve Last Chance Canyon California Desert Conservation area
Largest animal in the desert: Camel..its stores most water Most likely to be dehydrated While in the desert the following can happen: HeatStrokes Faintness,dizziness,dry skin,thirst,and nausea
Las Vegas
Can you drown in the desert? How can you adapt to the habitats in the desert? What is one interesting fact about this biome? What is human influence on this biome? What are health concerns that can happen in this biome?
l l public_lands/desert/califronia_desert_conser vation_area/index.html public_lands/desert/califronia_desert_conser vation_area/index.html
Raquel & India