Current Status of ECTS Implementation in C.S. at the University of Bremen Sebastian Kinder, University Bremen Rolf Drechsler, University Bremen
2 Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Study Programs: Mathematics (Diploma, Teacher Education) Technical Mathematics (Diploma) Computer Science (Diploma, B.Sc. / M.Sc.) Digital Media (B.Sc. / M.Sc.) Systems Engineering (B.Sc. / M.Sc.)
3 Structure of C. S. Programs Modularization Credit Points fully translated from SWS into ECTS In parallel Diploma and B.Sc. / M.Sc. Strong focus on project-based learning
4 Pre-Diploma CP-System modulesCP - compulsory CP - electives restricted electives electives theoretical practical36 Applied612 others project20 overall 120 CP
5 Diploma CP-System modulesCP - compulsory CP - electives restricted electiveselectives theoretical practical24 applied12 others project40 Diploma thesis30 overall 150 CP with Pre-Diploma 270 CP
6 Bachelor modulesCP - compulsory CP - electives restricted electives electives theoretical practical3612 applied618 others SW-project218 project20 overall 180 CP
7 Example of Study Plan (B.Sc.) 1st year (60 CPs)2nd year (60 CPs)3rd year (60 CPs) Com- pulsory Mathematics (16) Theoretical C.S. (6) Introduction to Programming (14) Technical C.S. (8) Research Methods (2) Practical C.S. (6) Technical C.S. (8) Software project (18) Computers & Society (6) Student‘s Project including Bachelor Report (20) Restricted Electives Applications (IS, Engin., Education), 2 modules (12) Theoretical C.S. (6) 2 module from C.S. (10) Theoretical C.S. (6) Practical C.S. (12) Applications (6) 1 module from C.S. (6) Electives 1 module (2)1 modules (6)2 modules (10)
8 Master modulesCP - electives restricted electives electives theoretical6 8 8 practical12 applied6 others project20 master thesis30 overall 90 CP
9 Example of Study Plan (M.Sc.) 1st year (60 CPs)2nd year (30 CPs) CompulsoryStudent Project (20)Master Thesis (30) Restricted Electives Theoretical C.S. (6) Practical C.S. (12) Applications (6) Electives 1 module from C.S. (8) 1 module (8)
10 Forms of Assessment 1.Oral exams 2.Written exams 3.Quizzes with viva 4.Presentation with thesis 5.Essays (with viva) 6.Software development 7.Independent study 8.Final thesis (Bachelor / Master)
11 New Trends Old Post-Docs Pre-Diploma (2 years) Diploma (4.5 years) PhD New Junior Professors -> “Bremen model” Bachelor (3 years) -> 180 ECTS Master (also 4.5 years) -> 270 ECTS PhD
12 Migration towards the US System Assistant Professors/Junior Professors Pro –More flexibility –More responsibility Con –More work load –Limited time contract –No experience –Unclear perspectives
13 Difficulties/Experiences Project –Pre-Diploma: 1 year (SW Project) –Diploma: 2 years –Bachelor: 1 year (SW Project) 1 year, Project incl. Bachelor report –Master: 1 year
14 Difficulties/Experiences Digital Media –4 Universities (in Bremen) –3 Systems –2 Degrees (B.Sc.,M.Sc., B.A., M.A) –1 Program
15 Forecast/Outlook Many changes Hard to predict anything Unclear perspectives Evaluation cannot be expected within next few years! We are not at the end of the process: Changes will continue…