2012 Presidential Election Katie
Just The Facts~ Obama Barack Obama -Used to be called Barry - used to attend Harvard to get a law degree -Became president in current president
Just The Facts~ Mitt Romney Mitt Romney -Hobbies: reading, skiing, horseback riding, and waterskiing -until 1st grade Mitt Romney was called ( Billy ) -Mitt Romney has 5 grown sons and 18 grandchildren
Economy and jobs Obama Obama -President Barack Obama said that if he had not become President the world would be much worse. -President Barack Obama said that if he had not become President the world would be much worse. -President Barack Obama thinks that we should keep on working on growing the U.S. private-sector job market. -President Barack Obama thinks that we should keep on working on growing the U.S. private-sector job market. President Barack Obama wants to keep providing tax relief to small businesses to stimulate local job growth President Barack Obama wants to keep providing tax relief to small businesses to stimulate local job growth Mitt Romney Mitt Romney thinks that President Barack Obama has not made any progress on helping people without jobs Mitt Romney wants to lift federal regulations on businesses to promote economic growth Mitt Romney thinks that as President he can revisit laws that give too much power to labor unions Katie ~ Presidential Election Project
Healthcare Mitt Romney Mitt Romney says if he gets elected president he will cancel all Affordable Care Act. Mitt Romney thinks we should not have a heavy hand in health care and that and that the ACA will worsen the health insurance systems problems. Obama pointed out that when he signed the Affordable Care Act many people called this law (Obama Care). Obama want to defend the Affordable Care Act requirement that insurers cover birth control with no co-pay. Obama
Healthcare Obama~ Mitt Romney Obama pointed out that when he signed the Affordable Care Act many people called this law (Obama Care). Obama want to defend the Affordable Care Act requirement that insurers cover birth control with no co-pay. Obama wants to uphold Roe V. Wade, the 1973 supreme court decision that affirmed a woman` s constitutional right to an abortion. Mitt Romney says if he gets elected president he will cancel all Affordable Care Act. Mitt Romney thinks we should not have a heavy hand in health care and that and that the ACA will worsen the health insurance systems problems. Mitt Romney that we should overturn the supreme court witch would leave the legality of abortions up to individual states.
Taxes Obama Taxes Obama Obama wants to close loopholes for millionaires and billionaires as well as hedge fund managers private jet owners and oil companies. Obama says he wants to pursue enacting the buffet rule, which would require millionaires and billionaires to continue paying a higher tax rate and reduce the tax burden on the middle class. Obama thinks he can temporarily extend the Bush-era tax cuts for those who earn less than $250,000 a year but let the taxes of the wealthiest Americans go up.
Taxes Mitt Romney Obama
War and National Defense Obama
War And National Defense Mitt Romney
Immigration Obama
Immigration Mitt Romney
Education Obama Obama wants to continue to encourage education reform through the race to the top program which rewards states with federal funding for raising school standards, helping teachers improve, and turning around struggling schools. Obama says he wants to continue investing in competitive grants to reform community colleges and provide better pathways to employment
Education Mitt Romney Mitt Romney wants to shift some power from the federal level to the state level to empower governors to reform education systems. Mitt Romney wants to shift some power from the federal level to the state level to empower governors to reform education systems. Mitt Romney believes that increasing school choice, or the opportunity for parents to pursue enrolling their child in a school that they choose, from the public to private to charter schools. Mitt Romney believes that increasing school choice, or the opportunity for parents to pursue enrolling their child in a school that they choose, from the public to private to charter schools.
Resources: denver-presidential-debate-obama-romney.html denver-presidential-debate-obama-romney.html denver-presidential-debate-obama-romney.html denver-presidential-debate-obama-romney.html presidency/elections/58186.html?detoured=1 presidency/elections/58186.html?detoured=1 presidency/elections/58186.html?detoured=1 presidency/elections/58186.html?detoured=