NAME OF COMPANY – Manufacturing Means Jobs! TEMPLATE SLIDE – KEY FACTS (Name of Company) Year manufacturing facility/company was founded What you make/specialize in Who are your customers Jobs created by your manufacturing facility/high paying jobs Average salary of a manufacturer is $74,000 COMPANY NAME and DATE PRESENTED
TEMPLATE SLIDE – History of (Name of Company) Company history – what are some recent or current challenges you face? NAME OF COMPANY – Manufacturing Means Jobs!
TEMPLATE SLIDE – History of (Name of Company) If global company – insert some data points on where and why global operations is important to company Bullet on areas of growth and expansion Job outlook COMPANY NAME and DATE PRESENTED
NAME OF COMPANY – Manufacturing Means Jobs! TEMPLATE SLIDE – Community Outreach Demonstrate your community involvement – this could be a photo of your efforts or a quote from a non-profit you have assisted or bullet points outlining how you company gives back to the community. You could also talk about the city where you’re based and how your company impacts the surrounding community. COMPANY NAME and DATE PRESENTED
Why Manufacturing Matters The United States is the world’s largest manufacturing economy, producing 21 percent of global manufactured products. Japan is second at 13 percent and China is third at 12 percent. U.S. Manufacturing produces $1.6 trillion of value each year or 11.2 percent of U.S. GDP. Manufacturing supports an estimated 18.6 million jobs in the U.S. – about one in six private sector jobs. Nearly 12 million Americans (9 percent of the workforce) are employed directly in manufacturing. U.S. Manufacturers perform half of all R&D in the nation, driving more innovation than any other sector. COMPANY NAME and DATE PRESENTED
Manufacturing Affects Our Community and Our Country COMPANY NAME and DATE PRESENTED
A Manufacturing Strategy for Jobs – 3 Goals 1.The United States will be the best country in the world to headquarter a company. 2.The United States will be the best country in the world to innovate, performing the bulk of a company’s research and development. 3.The United States will be a great place to manufacture, both to meet the needs of the American market and serve as an export platform for the world. COMPANY NAME and DATE PRESENTED
Tactics to Support Manufacturers and Create Jobs Support domestic energy supply to improve supply consistency and lower costs. Simplify the regulatory burden and cost of compliance. Simplify the tax code. Support health care reform to include a cost-effective plan for small businesses.
Manufacturing Means Jobs! Call To Action: Join Manufacturers in asking Federal Policymakers to endorse and support the “Manufacturing Strategy For Jobs and Competitive America” You can find more information at To join the NAM, please visit Membership.aspx COMPANY NAME and DATE PRESENTED