Accommodating Students with Disabilities in Online Courses Dallas Colleges Online Student Testimonial Student Testimonial
Recent events: war (returning vets), motorcycle wrecks Blind and/or Deaf Paralysis, Mobility Impaired Learning Disabilities (ADHD, Dyslexia) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Types of Disabilities
JAWS Screen Reader, NVDA (FREE!) MAGic Screen Magnifier OpenBook, Kurzweil 1000 WYNN, Kurzweil 3000 Dragon Naturally Speaking Track Balls, Puffer Switches, Eye Gaze Assistive Technology Overview
Education from the comfort of your home No need for blind to arrange transportation More comfortable for persons with PTSD Advantages of Distance Learning
Accessibility: Able to access all content and services. (alt tags, color blind, closed captioning, transcripts, etc.) Usability: Easy to learn, quick to use, easy to navigate. Accessibility vs. Usability
Example of a GOOD website
Example of a BAD website
Descriptive Closed Captioning and Transcripts
PowerPoint Descriptions (Notes Area)
PowerPoint Descriptions (Outline)
Microsoft Accessibility Checker (2010+)
Microsoft Accessibility Checker (Results)
Descriptive Links #1
Descriptive Links #2
Descriptive Links #3
Headings and Styles
Alt Tags and Descriptions for Pictures
Accommodate Screen Readers
Exams, Quizzes and Projects (eCampus)
Extra Time on Tests (eCampus)
Data Tables and Spreadsheets
Font Text (Color and Style)
When possible avoid Flash and Animations When possible avoid linking to third party content Maintain continuity in design (Quality Matters Review) Discussion Boards may be difficult for students who are blind should remain primary mode of communication with all students Syllabus: Include links to any software needed (ex. Adobe, Media Player) Syllabus: Your College Disability Services Office Contact Information Further Tips
Checklist & Timeline (ADA / 508 Complaince) Thank You! - Any Questions?