Improved Robotic Arm for Sensitivity Characterization of Occupancy Sensors Will Hedgecock Brian Auerbach John Sullivan
Microcontroller Update Finally interfaced with the Microcontroller Uploaded code to Microcontroller Tested Microcontroller/GUI Integration Results: Correct receiving/transmitting of data Microcontroller behavior is correct Pins currently used as output pins on Microcontroller are not enabled by default – not outputting appropriate voltages
Cart Update Cart has been procured and assembled May have to stabilize wheels, pending further testing with robotic arm We have begun assembling robotic arm on the cart Will only require cutting one small hole on the side of the cart, through which to mount the robotic arm assembly to provide greatest stability Entire arm assembly should be complete by the end of the weekend
Thermal Elements Update Programmed in Hysteresis Deadband to 2 Wattage is too high, causing temperature to quickly overshoot goal and then cool down Need to purchase variable power supply which allows us to output ≈48V instead of 120V with a steady current Specifically, see ormer_500_s.htm ormer_500_s.htm Will order ourselves NOW and then get reimbursed by Square D
Documentation Work Have begun working on Documentation including Final Report All Introductory and System Overview Sections complete Significant portions of mechanical and software sections complete
Current Tasks Finish entire robotic arm physical assembly Fix problem with outputting correct voltages on microcontroller’s pins Order variable power supply Test integration with turntable assembly which should also be complete sometime this week
Tentative Schedule See Schedule Document