The NC Stakeholder Engagement Group Initiative Webinar February 27, 2015
Welcomes/Introductions Updates Vocational Rehabilitation Public Comment Input Legislative Advocacy Next Steps
Update: New Members Jack RegisterMarc Jacques
Update: Endorsements North Carolina Consumer Advocacy, Networking, and Support Organization CenterPoint Consumer and Family Advisory Committee NC National Alliance on Mental Illness Others?
Update: Listening Sessions NC Stakeholder Engagement Group coordinated “Community Chats” to compliment DHHS’ HCBS Rule Transition Plan Listening Tour. The Community Chats provided individuals receiving services and their family members a "safe space" to discuss their experience in the service system openly with leadership from the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, without providers or LME-MCO staff present.
Listening Session Trends "What on earth is going to happen to this human being when I'm no longer able to provide "free" care?” DHHS needs to promote utilization of future planning tools by care coordinators and integrate them into the service provision array. "(You spend) years working on IEP goals and then there is nothing. It’s a free fall." DHHS needs to develop systems that help students’ transition from school to the community. “ My dream for my daughter, who is labeled severe and profound, my dream for her has always been to have employment. Not traditional employment... (but) something creative and flexible. I went to VR and they didn’t have any clue of what to do with us.” DHHS needs to work proactively with other agencies and the community to develop competitive, meaningful employment opportunities in the community
Listening Session Trends “The loss of case management has had a detrimental impact on the system. It helps keep individuals receiving services, and their families, functional.” DHHS needs to re-evaluate the removal of case management from the waiver. “Who decides what friendships are appropriate? What groups are appropriate? The individual should decide” DHHS needs to make sure waiver changes made to promote community inclusion are not implemented in a way that deteriorates self-determination. "Our kids are worth it. Their lives are more valuable than $8 an hour.” DHHS needs to invest time and money into figuring out methods to develop and retain qualified, person-centered Direct Support Professionals.
Vocational Rehabilitation Public Comment Input Session 1.What can VR do better to help people with disabilities find and keep jobs in the community? 2.Who can VR partner with to more effectively help individuals with disabilities obtain good jobs? 3.What are the unmet needs, services or supports individuals with disabilities require to help them successfully obtain employment?
Legislative Advocacy Meeting with Your Legislator Outcomes & Expectations Scorecard DRAFT
Next Steps: March 23 rd NC SEG Meeting Legislative Policy Update Mock Legislative Visits with special guests... Senator Tommy Tucker Representative Verla Insko Senator Jeff Jackson
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“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead