Native American
Some states’ names : Native American origin Alabama ArizonaArkansas Dakota Iowa Kansas Minnesota Ohio Oklahoma Kansas Minnesota Ohio Oklahoma TenesseeTexasUtah WisconsinWyoming
As other cultures Native American have different rites, one of them is the Girls' Rite of Passage y=Girl%27s+Rite+of+Passage+&aq=f
Dream Catchers Dream Catchers Dream catchers are one of the most fascinating traditions of Native Americans. The traditional dream catcher was intended to protect the sleeping individual from negative dreams, while letting positive dreams through. Dream catchers are one of the most fascinating traditions of Native Americans. The traditional dream catcher was intended to protect the sleeping individual from negative dreams, while letting positive dreams through.
Native American music influence Y&feature=related Y&feature=related
Native American clothes and hairstyles.
The Red Earth Festival is an annual gathering of Native American Tribes from around the United States. Taking place in Oklahoma City, it's a showcase for American Indian dance, music, art, and culture. Abpv0ysM&feature=fvwrel Abpv0ysM&feature=fvwrel
Tepees were buildig with a thin bay and thin stems. Tepees were often used because you can build up-and down the tepee fastly. Today Native American people used the tepee for extra rooms for guests or by festivals.
Native American life M&feature=related M&feature=related