Lesson objectives: To know that Hindus believe that Brahman is the Supreme Spirit or Ultimate Reality To understand how Brahman is both One and Many To consider how the Hindu understanding of God is similar to/different to our own views about God/Ultimate Reality
Using a whiteboard, write down your ideas about what you believe God/Ultimate Reality is like Once you have finished, compare your ideas with your neighbour
Brahman is the Ultimate supreme power Everything is in Brahman and Brahman is in everything Brahman is eternal and the source of all life
Legend has it that a wise man taught his son about Brahman by asking him first to put some salt in water and then to take it out again. Of course, the salt dissolved and the son could not take it out. His father told him that the presence of Brahman in the world is like the salt in the water; invisible but everywhere. However, humans cannot fully imagine Brahman because he is everything and beyond human imagination
Just as you are one person, but have many different roles, so too does Brahman How does the prism illustrate this idea?
Brahma The Creator Vishnu The Preserver Shiva The Destroyer
Brahma’s job was the creation of the world and all creatures. Brahma has four heads and it is believed that from these heads came the four Vedas (most ancient religious texts).
Vishnu is the protector of the world. His role is to maintain the balance of good and evil. Vishnu is normally pictured with blue coloured skin and four arms.
Shiva’s role is to destroy the world in order to re- create it. Even though Shiva is the destroyer he is usually represented as smiling and tranquil.
Ganesh Rama Shiva Lakshmi Durga
Using a whiteboard, write down your ideas about what you believe God/Ultimate Reality is like Once you have finished, compare your ideas with your neighbour
To some people, God has a playful, mischievous but loving side. Hindus have a deity called Krishna who represents God’s love.
Other people think that praying to God can bring them money and wealth. Hindus have a deity called Lakshmi who represents God’s generosity.
Other people think that praying to God can bring them luck. Hindus have a deity called Ganesh who represents God’s wisdom.
Other people think that God gave them the talent of music, art and creative knowledge. Hindus have a deity called Saraswati who represents God’s creative side.
Other people think that God can take away your suffering. Hindus have a deity called Durga who represents God’s powerful kindness.
Other people think that God is in control of the universe. Hindus have a deity called Kali who represents God’s control of time and death.