A URA By: Couper Webb
Aura’s name in Greek is Α ὔ ρα or (Aúra)
P ARENTS & S IBLINGS Her parents are Lelantos and Periboia She had twin sons Iakkhos and Inachus.
S CULPTURE OF AURA AURA…………………………………… Titan of the breeze and the fresh, cool air of early morning. She was a virgin-huntress Her symbol is the dawn She isn’t A god,she’s a Titan
A URA M YTH … Aura daughter of Lelas and Periboea, was one of the swift- footed companions of Artemis. She was beloved by Dionysus, but fled from him, until Dionysus asked to Aphrodite to inspire her with love for him.
She then became by him the mother of twins, but at the moment of their birth she was taken over with madness, tore one of her children to pieces, and then jumped into the ocean.
P ERSONALITY Aura was excessively proud of her maidenhood. She was a vengeful goddess
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