Providing Things Honest Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men (Rom. 12:17). Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men (2 Cor. 8:21). …Whatever things are honest … (Phil. 4:8). For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty (1 Tim. 2:2). …I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation (1 Pet. 2:11-12).
Honest Toward God Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, “In what way have we robbed You?” In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, For you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation (Mal. 3:8-9). For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome (1 Jn. 5:3). But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you (Matt. 6:33). Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia, so you must do also: On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come (1 Cor. 16:1-2).
Honesty Toward the Church And when Saul had come to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples; but they were all afraid of him, and did not believe that he was a disciple. But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. And he declared to them how he had seen the Lord on the road, and that He had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus. So he was with them at Jerusalem, coming in and going out (Acts 9:26-28).
Honesty Toward the Church Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works (Heb. 10:23-24). How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. (1 Cor. 14:26). Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing. (1 Thess. 5:11). AttendingTeachingParticipating Working With All the Brethren
Honesty Toward Self For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For each one shall bear his own load (Gal. 6:3-5). For Your arrows pierce me deeply, And Your hand presses me down. There is no soundness in my flesh Because of Your anger, Nor any health in my bones Because of my sin. For my iniquities have gone over my head; Like a heavy burden they are too heavy for me. My wounds are foul and festering Because of my foolishness (Psa.38:2-5).
Honesty Toward Others That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing (1 Thess. 4:12). Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets (Matt. 7:12). Pay Your DebtsKeep Your PromisesTell No Lies