A Guide to The Rotary Foundation & Donor Recognition
Efficient Club Administration Effective Clubs are able to Sustain and Grow Membership Implement Successful Service Projects Develop Leaders Past the Club Level Support The Rotary Foundation “EREY” Four Avenues of Service FELLOWSHIP !!!
The Rotary Foundation
For support todayTo secure tomorrow Two Ways of Giving
District Designated Fund (DDF) The World Fund The Rotary Foundation Local Club: Individual Donations $$ to Annual Programs Fund Rotary District Programs The Rotary Foundation Programs Group Study Exchange Matching Grants 3-H* ANNUAL PROGRAMS FUND DDF and the World Fund 3-Year Investment Interest pays The Rotary Foundation Management Costs Extra GSE District Simplified Grants Matching Grants Scholars PHF Recognition 50% To Clubs
IN The Rotary Foundation OUT Permanent Fund Part of Earnings Spent Unrestricted Giving 3 Year Wait Every Rotarian Every Year DDFWorld Fund Rotary Club’s Humanitarian, Education Programs Restricted Giving Immediately Spent 50% Where Does It Come From Where Does It Go
SHARE Timeline Funds RaisedFunds available 1 March: Donate scholarship 1 Oct. Scholars Identified 1 Oct. Extra GSE application Funds used 31 March: DSG requests due
SHARE Funds Transfer Donations by 30 June Invested for 3 Years DDF used Unused DDF transferred to next year (Districts notified in August) 1 July July
Rotary Foundation Annual Fund Goal US$120 million. Achieved By: Sustaining Member Program Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Permanent Fund Goal $1 Billion Achieved By: Identify, Cultivate, and Solicit Significant Major Gifts
The Rotary Foundation GOALS Bill Boyd, Chairman
Goals for TRF in Keep our promise to eradicate polio. Embrace the two pillars of support for The Rotary Foundation: the Annual Programs Fund through Every Rotarian, Every Year and the Permanent Fund. Participate in “Your Foundation / Our Foundation”, a lend a hand program for sharing funds from club and district foundations to permanently establish the Rotary World Peace Fellows program and support global polio eradication. Enhance Rotary’s public image. Support the Future Vision Plan of the Rotary Foundation.
If you haven’t already, take some of your money and your time, and use it to touch the lives of others. Commit To the Annual Fund –$100 Every Year – for most this hardly registers as a percentage of your income (i.e., become a TRF Sustaining Member each Year) –$1,000 Every Year --- for those who are a little more financially blessed Commit To the Permanent Fund –Make a Major Contribution Now, or/and –Make a Bequest gift in your will
What Are You Going To Do? Questions
Donor Recognition
Paul Harris Fellow Recognition Personal Contributions Contributions Made on Your Behalf and/or Annual Programs Fund & Restricted Giving (PP,MG) Paul Harris Fellow Recognition
Annual Fund Giving Paul Harris Fellow Recognition For Annual Fund Giving The Rotary Foundation Paul Harris Sustaining Member Paul Harris Society
Paul Harris Fellow Recognition Annual Fund Giving The Rotary Foundation
Multiple Paul Harris Fellow Recognition US$2,000 - US$6,999.99Sapphires US$7,000 - US$9,000+Rubies
Major Donor Recognition: Personal Contributions Personal Contributions Annual Programs Fund Contributions Permanent Fund Contributions Restricted Contributions Major Donor Recognition
Major Donor Recognition Lapel Pins and Crystals
The Permanent Fund: The key to the Foundation’s role in the 21st century
3 Means of Recognition Benefactor Program Bequest Society Major Donor Program
Program # 1 Benefactors
Benefactor Recognition The Rotary Foundation Inform the Foundation in writing that provisions have been made in the final estate plans naming the Permanent Fund as a beneficiary. Anyone who makes an outright gift of US$1,000 or more to the Permanent Fund
Program # 2 Bequest Society
Permanent Fund Bequest Society Irrevocable/Revocable bequest in will or trust Whole or universal life insurance Bequest Society for $10,000 or more
Program # 3 Major Donors
Major Donor Recognition: Personal Contributions Personal Contributions Annual Programs Fund Contributions Permanent Fund Contributions Restricted Contributions Major Donor Recognition
Major Donor Recognition Lapel Pins and Crystals