Inception Seminar: Introduction NSA-LA Thematic programme - Management of the Project Cycle and Monitoring of Project Implementation Brussels, 7-8 November 2013
Inception seminar 2011 : perceived changes From TM perspective: Communications with projects (more frequent, more frank) Improved understanding and engagement by project Improved quality in reporting
Survey respondents from Projects: Relations with TM Activity and resource planning Understanding and use of EC procedures Understanding and use of logical framework Capacity in monitoring and reporting Increased visibility New relationships and closer collaborations
WHAT? EXCHANGE experiences, good practices, tips & tricks FOCUS plenary on specific questions and NEEDS of grantees BUILD practical knowledge base as key RESOURCE of information NETWORK Better UNDERSTAND implementer and donor’s perspective HOW? ROUND TABLE discussions PANELS and Q&A NETWORKING GAME: « Let’s work together » Objectives & approach
Overview of the seminar Day 1 - morning: Introductive presentations Module 1: Introduction to projects Module 2- Finances and Contracts Presentation of TMs’ role with regards to Finances by Laetitia Ricklin, unit B2 Presentation by Amaia Sarria-Icaza, unit B6 Panel to answer questions submitted on line Round table discussions Day 1 - afternoon Module 3- Managing projects Presentation “Managing projects” (S. Van Crugten) Round table discussion : what are the respective expectations from TMs and PMs Module 4- Part 1: Implementation and monitoring Identifying obstacles and challenges Debriefing of the day Day 1 – After the seminar: Cocktail
Day 2 - morning: Feedback Day 1 Presentation performance assessment - Managing reality Module 4 – Part 2: Implementation and monitoring Identifying solutions to challenges Focus on specific aspects of project’s thematic sector Day 2 - afternoon Module 5 – EU Visibility and communication Communication and EU visibility (Bernard Verschueren, EuropeAid Communication unit) Project presentation, (Guillemette Vuillard, ECPAT) Capacity4dev presentation (Diane Kelecom, capacity4dev) Q&A Module 6 – Open session- Panel Meeting evaluation and conclusions
Online Question box Thank you for using the online question box! Your questions have been used in the preparation of the finance panel and the open session
Sign up for Day 1 Module 4 session Flipcharts with topics and language are available in the lobby Choose the table you will join for that session Limited number of places per table Please sign up during morning coffee break and lunch
Announcements If you want us to announce any information/meetings you want to organise, let Angelique know Notice board (panneau d’annonces): publish your announcement Leave your project material on the tables next to the notice board/entrance of the room
Let’s work together… Game rules: We have identified some “groups” of projects that might share common interests Each group has a colour, according to the fields of project intervention You have a list with the name of your “fellow” projects and their representatives The goal is to meet a maximum of people in your group and to collect their business cards or have them answer a question The winners The winners are the first ones who bring back to the organizers a list with at least 10 other projects met.
Capacity4dev support About: is the European Commission’s primary online knowledge sharing platform on development, external cooperation and policy. A dedicated group and webpage: Who has already used it? What for: Access all information about the seminar Learn about other projects and exchange information Display material from your project Presentation in Module 5 of group webpage and Q&A/feedback from participants
2 Participants: journalists of the seminar We need 3 volunteers Capture the mood Record striking ideas/moments Report on Day 2 morning feedback and afternoon closing
Meet the team… Saskia Van Crugten Estelle Balian Sara Simon Silverio Rodriguez Salgado Angelique Berhault
Important… Keep your ideas/questions short and clear (one post-it/one idea, one card/one idea)…think of the reporter… Talk and listen so everyone has a fair share of speaking time Make use of the worksheets to take notes and prepare discussions Follow your table facilitator guidelines to stay on track Out of respect for other participants : Please do not use laptops to work on other things. TIMING is key